Page 121 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 121

Scoring Analysis and Interpretation

        Remember that whether your result reflects a high or low self esteem, individual questions may indicate an area for you where self esteem is or may become
        an issue.

        0      -       30     Not affected by low self esteem
        31     -       45     Traces of low self esteem.
                              Preventative action should be taken to reduce its impact on your life.
        46     -       61     Mild self esteem issues in your life
                              take steps to treat this
        62     -       90     Moderate low self esteem indicated
                              Take steps to treat this as soon as possible
        91     -       120    Severe low self esteem. Take immediate steps to treat this
        121    -       150    Profound low self esteem. Take immediate steps to treat this and seek out professional help to assist you in the process.

        An interesting exercise is for both partners to complete the exercise twice, once about themselves and once about their perception of the other. The degree of
        difference between your scoring for yourself and the score your partner gives you is an indicator of the honest levels of communication that exist between two
        people in a relationship.

   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123   124   125   126