Page 120 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 120

The following test is a simple assessment of your levels of self esteem at this moment. From the statements, score yourself with the number that is most true
        for you on the following basis :-

                       1=Never              2=Rarely              3=Sometimes          4=Frequently          5=Always

            1    I constantly seek approval from others                                                                                              (          )
            2    I am afraid of criticism                                                                                                            (          )
            3    I isolate myself and fear people in authority roles                                                                                 (          )
            4    I guess at normal behaviour, and feel less than other people                                                                        (          )
            5    I am unable to appreciate my own accomplishments                                                                                    (          )
            6    I have difficulty completing projects                                                                                               (          )
            7    I get fearful or stressed in the company of an angry person                                                                         (          )
            8    To avoid conflict, I find it easier to be secretive or to lie                                                                       (          )
            9    I have compulsive behaviour, over eat, drink, use drugs, gamble, excessively spend, over indulge in sex                             (          )
            10   I am my own worst critic, harder on myself than others                                                                              (          )
            11   I feel more alive in crisis, uneasy when life is going smoothly, I am always anticipating problems                                  (          )
            12   I struggle having fun. I don’t seem to know how to play for fun                                                                     (          )
            13   I am attracted to others I perceive to have been victims. In this way, I often confuse love and pity. I find myself rescuing/care-taking people.    (          )
            14   I need and expect perfection at home and work.                                                                                      (          )
            15   I seek out novelty, excitement and the challenge of newness in my life with little concern for the consequences of my actions       (          )
            16   I take myself and view all of my relationships seriously                                                                            (          )
            17   I have problems maintaining intimate relationships                                                                                  (          )
            18   I feel guilty when I stand up for myself or take care of my needs first,  instead of giving in or taking care of others’ needs first  (          )
            19   I attract people who have compulsive behaviours (e.g. alcohol, smoking, drugs, food, spending, sex, overwork or excitement seekers     (          )
            20   I feel responsible for others and find it easier to have concern for others than myself                                             (          )
            21   I am loyal to people for whom I care, even if in the face of evidence that the loyalty is undeserved                                (          )
            22   I cling to and will do anything to hold on to relationships for fear of being alone and feeling abandoned                           (          )
            23   I am impulsive and act too quickly, before considering alternative actions or possible consequences                                 (          )
            24   I struggle expressing and feel out of touch with my feelings                                                                        (          )
            25   I mistrust my feelings and the feelings expressed by others                                                                         (          )
            26   I isolate myself from other people and I am initially shy and withdrawn in new social surroundings                                  (          )
            27   I feel that I am being taken advantage of by individuals, I often feel victimised                                                   (          )
            28   I can be over responsible much of the time, but can be extremely irresponsible at other times                                       (          )
            29   I feel confused and angry at myself and not in control of my environment or my life when the stresses are great                     (          )
            30   I waste time and energy  cleaning up the consequences of ill thought out or impulsive actions for which I am responsible (e.g. excessive spending)  (          )  Page120
                                                                                                                                     TOTAL SCORE
   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123   124   125