Page 116 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 116

Anger is a healthy emotion which gets distorted as a result of low self–esteem. You may have beliefs which block your expression of anger leading you to be
        depressed. Or your anger is so hostile and explosive that it hurts others. You may have denied anger so much that just the thought of getting angry scares you.
        Because unresolved anger contributes to a faulty belief system, inadequate emotional life and unhealthy behaviours, it contributes to the lowering of your self

        Poor communications arise as a result of having received poor communication experience in the past. Your inability to express feelings openly was due to low
        self esteem. The ability to listen to others and reflect back their feelings was also a missing skill. These poor communications resulted in poor problem solving
        with a sense of failure and lowered self esteem. In order to gain new skills at communication, you will need to learn to focus on feelings rather than the content
        of what is being said by another person.

        Being resistant to change is affected by low self esteem because you lack the self confidence to believe in your own abilities and worth. As a result you have
        either worked harder to prove yourself or you have given up to a sense of failure. Because of your low self esteem, you may have sabotaged your own efforts
        to be successful in life. You may have problems dealing with stress and burnout and don't know how to relax and have fun. You may have severe insecurity
        and lack of trust in self which inhibit your ability to take a risk. You may find yourself going in circles with no way out of lowered self esteem. Any negative
        self talk may have you captive in a lack of belief in and dislike of your self. Affirmations and changing your self talk to a positive style not only leads to
        enhanced self esteem but also to the ability to accept personal responsibility for a healthy self.

        Relationship problems at home, school, work, socially, and in the community result from low self esteem. Unproductive and unhealthy relationships contribute
        to the lowering of self esteem. Low self esteem is often the root cause of failure of most relationships. It takes two people to make a relationship work and it
        takes two people to ruin it. BOTH parties in a relationship need to have healthy self esteem in order for the relationship to be healthy. If they do not, then the
        relationship has barriers to its growth and productivity. People with low self esteem often seek out others with low self esteem to establish personal, work, or
        social relationships.

        These relationships start out on a fragile foundation which often results in disastrous consequences. As you work at loving yourself unconditionally and building
        confidence in your ability to sustain healthy relationships, then you will attract healthy parties in your personal, work, and social life. Problems will persist if
        one partner advances on growth and productivity dramatically faster than the other. The growing partner can feel resentful for having to care take the other,
        and for being held back. The stagnant partner may adopt victim type behaviour over time and feel resentful that their partner is advancing in life more rapidly
        than they are.
        Recovery from low self–esteem

        The recovery process to enhance self esteem may seem arduous, but it is worth every ounce of your mental effort. You may have developed old habits which
        are hard to break. You have fantasy dreams of the way things are supposed to be and these dreams die hard. The path of recovery involves a lot of work and
        effort on your part. There are a lot of issues needing to be addressed and a commitment to personal recovery is needed in order to keep the focus clear and
        direct.                                                                                                                                                     Page116
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