Page 112 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 112

It is perfectly possible to change your outward performance and behaviour by changing your mental pictures of your self-image.

        The term positive thinking has become over-used and clichéd through the years, and indeed positive thoughts alone are ineffectual unless you make the feeling
        appear real in the conscious and subconscious mind. Thought + Emotion is far more powerful. Imagine yourself in circumstances where you have exuded
        confidence in the past, remembering those feelings, holding onto them and combining them with supportive and constructive thoughts is a far more effective
        strategy. Habit and imagination play an important role in reconditioning the mind and they are immensely more powerful than logic and willpower.

        When you learn to change your self-image deliberately, you’ll behave and perform more to your satisfaction that you ever have before. You can change your
        personality and the outcomes in your life by changing your mental images.

                If your self-ideal is how you ideally see yourself, and your self-image is how you actually see yourself, your self-esteem is how you feel about the gap
                between the two.

        Let us assume for a moment that the ideal way you see yourself weighing two stone lighter than you actually do. The two stone lighter weight is your ideal
        self, your real weight is your image of self as you actually are. In this example, your self-esteem is represented by how you feel about that two stone difference!
        How you feel about yourself as you are right now.

        Look at the key areas of your personality, your confidence, your appearance, your fitness, your abilities, how you are loved by others. It is the difference
        between how you would like to be and how you see yourself that determines your level of self-esteem.

        If you see yourself ideally as a person who is loved and respected and you feel that you are neither loved nor respected as much as you deserve, then your self
        esteem will suffer. If you see yourself in excellent physical condition with good health and a positive outlook and in fact you are in peak condition, with
        abundant good health and positive perspectives, it is likely that in this area your self esteem will be high.

        The importance of your self-esteem cannot be understated. It is the key to your happiness and personal effectiveness and represents the foundation of your
        performance in all areas of your life, relationships, career performance health, finances, in fact every key area of your existence.

                Your self-esteem is the fuel for your personality and enthusiasm that powers your accomplishments in life. Self esteem is the emotional part of your   Page112
                personality and as human beings are predominantly emotional in their decision making and behaviours, the remainder of this section will focus on this
                very important area in detail. Self-esteem is our belief that we have value and potential.
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