Page 111 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 111


        Your self-concept is made up of three distinctly separate parts, namely :-

            •  Your Self Ideal
            •  Your Self Image
            •  Your Self Esteem

                Before you can truly discover your authentic self, you must be able to distinguish and separate the different parts of your self-concept, so you can more
                easily differentiate between who you would like to be, who you really are and how the differences affect you.

        This is your vision of who you would really like to be in every area of your life. Your ideal self is the perfect person you aspire to be, that you would want
        the world to see, with aspects of personality you hope people will see first. Exceptionally happy men and women have a clear vision of their ideal self and are
        usually doing something every day towards accomplishing it. Again, it follows, that if you have a negative perspective of your self-ideal, it is likely that you
        will attract circumstances and people into your life that reflect that.

        People who allow themselves to remain unhappy over a prolonged period give little thought to the person they want to become, they stop growing and evolving.

                               This is the real, authentic you as you are right now. It is the “you” that exists when nobody is watching, the real you, as you are that
                looks back at you from the mirror. If your image of your real self is under confident in particular circumstances on a particular day, your outer
                behaviours will reflect your inner turmoil.

        When you think about yourself as you truly are, the image you see is the value you place upon yourself about a particular characteristic, so for this reason, the   Page111
        self-image could also be seen as your self-worth.
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