Page 110 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 110


        Your self-concept is and expression that is commonly used to for your complete bunch of beliefs about yourself, the life you live and the world you live in. As
        we have seen, your beliefs determine what becomes real for you. Those beliefs have been gathered since your earliest childhood from your parents, family,
        friends, teachers and others. Some are still current, others are not. It is probable that you are hanging on to beliefs right now, despite the fact that subconsciously,
        you know they no longer serve your best interests.

        When we change our beliefs in a given area of our lives, we begin to experience change in that area. If your overall self-concept, your general summary of
        your beliefs could be called your “Major Concept”, then you are also equipped with a series of “Minor Concepts”, that control thought, behaviour and results
        in the individual areas of your life. Here are some examples of the minor concepts you may have :-

            •  One for each of the roles you occupy
            •  How you appear to other people
            •  Yourself as a parent
            •  How popular you are
            •  How good you are at your job
            •  How much money you are capable of earning
            •  How you look
            •  How you perform in certain areas
            •  How you respond to various situations

        There are as many minor concepts as there are roles you occupy and specific thoughts you have about yourself.
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