Page 117 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 117

The first step in the recovery process is to address the distorted thinking, feelings, and behaviours which resulted from the sources of your low self–esteem.

                To correct your thinking, you will need to stand back from your life and beliefs to learn what "normal'' is and to get in touch with what is reality in
                your life. You will need to dispel your irrational beliefs. You will need to identify, discard, and replace negative self talk with daily constructive
                affirmations. You will need to let go any intellectual opposition to the notion of a Higher Power in your life. You will need to define a relationship
        between you and your Higher Power that is healthy and works for you.

        To heal your feelings you will need to identify and label your feelings. You will need to give yourself permission to have both negative and positive feelings.
        You will need to get in touch with how you are feeling about the reality in your life. You will need to feel the power of self affirmation and self approval which
        results in your growing in self love and self caring. You will need to open your feelings up to the healing of your Higher Power's will. You will need practice
        in expressing feelings and listening to others expressing their feelings.

        To change any unhealthy behaviours you will need to begin to act only on rational  thinking and true feelings, sincerely felt by you. Accept personal
        responsibility for your own actions and stop blaming others. You will need to identify your self defeating behaviours and change them.

        As a result of improved thinking, healed feelings, and healthy behaviours, your compulsively driven behavioural pattern can change. This will occur by
        rewriting the old behavioural self talk, taming your inner voice. Keep the positive elements of your personality and replace the unhealthy aspects. You can
        change your old pattern by getting in touch with the feelings you have for too long ignored. You can "let go'' of the compulsive nature of your old unhealthy
        personality traits and work at thinking before you act. You can redefine yourself by letting go of self defeating behaviours with their negative consequences.

                   As you work at rewriting and changing your old personality trait's self-talk, you also need to work at addressing the problem areas identified in the
                   earlier paragraphs on low self esteem.

                   The steps for recovery for each problem area is as follows:

            •  Let go of the unresolved grief over losses you have experienced in your life.
            •  Eliminate self destructive behaviours and gain outside support if necessary to ensure your continued progress.
            •  Let go of the things you can’t control or change personally in life and accept self control over your own behaviours and feelings.
            •  Release any unresolved anger appropriately - recognize that anger is a healthy feeling with an appropriate place in your life.
            •  Learn how to focus more on feelings than on content to improve your communication skills, by active listening, reflecting of feelings and problem
               solving based on the expression of honest feelings.
            •  Let go of self–defeating behaviours and to adopt new, healthy behaviours by accepting personal responsibility for self. Learn to embrace and welcome
            •  Work on improving personal behaviours so as to improve personal, work, and social relationships.                                                     Page117
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