Page 320 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 320
male director, followed by your female director, then you will have a short conversation with them. You will feel you are making up this conversation, but
that is the right feeling to have, so trust what you are doing.
The boardroom
Find a comfortable position in your chair, close your eyes and begin breathing slowly and regularly. Take a deep breath and relax … take another deep breath
and relax … take a deep breath and again relax. Gently touch the roof of your mouth directly behind your two front teeth with the tip of your tongue.
Whenever you use the tip-of-the-tongue trigger like this, you will immediately enter your PM foundation level and access your faculties of concentration,
imagination and intuition.
The tip-of-the-tongue trigger is a powerful programming tool that you can use for whatever purpose you desire. Take a deep breath and relax … I will now
imagine that I am standing on a river bank … The river is behind me and I am facing a wonderful landscape. I can feel my feet on the lush green grass …
overhead the sky is blue and the air is fresh with the scent of the meadow … I can hear the sounds of this wonderful land before me.
I now look towards my house and remind myself of its construction, the features of the walls, the red roof and the entrance … I move forward now and into
my entrance hallway, and on into my cleansing gym.
In a moment I will stand within my shower and cleanse away any negativity and underlying thought patterns. I now enter my showering area and turn on the
flow, so that its imaginary cleansing action can commence … I feel the warm spring waters running down my hair and over every inch of my body, draining
away mental fatigue and restoring vibrant life. I now imagine the bright sunlight reaching deep within, filtering out and washing away all my limiting and
destructive attitudes, particularly my negative thoughts. Readjusting and turning off the shower I now step out, instantly dry, and fresh with positive
In a moment I will create my boardroom, which is entered by a doorway positioned at my choosing … I am now leaving my cleansing gym and entering my
central hallway. The walls are covered with images depicting moments from my past when I have been at my very best. I am now creating the room that will
house my boardroom … I am choosing the size of this area and the height of the ceiling … Now I am choosing the decorative features, the colours and the
lighting … I am installing comfortable chairs and a boardroom table of whatever size I choose … I am now installing a full-length window with a door that
opens on to my inner gardens and the landscape of abundance beyond. I will now leave the house and return to the river’s edge.
I feel the lush green grass beneath my feet. Soon I will count from 1 to 7, and gradually adjust to come out of this healthy state of deep relaxation. 1 … 2 … 3
… 4 … now, beyond the midpoint, when I open my eyes I will be wide awake and revitalised both physically and mentally … 5, I begin to adjust my body …
6, I prepare to open my eyes … and 7, I open my eyes and am wide awake now, both physically and mentally alert.