Page 316 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
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the other senses, and be deliberate – what do you expect to hear? Particularly, how will you feel? Focus on the emotions that success will produce in this

        In effect you will be ‘burning’ into your mind, just as information is burned onto a CD or DVD, the outcome you have established in a future reality.
        Programming works: the Gestalt will soon be established (In psychology, gestalt is something that has particular qualities when you consider it as a whole
        which are not obvious when you consider only the separate parts of it). People, places and opportunities will be attracted into your life as if by coincidence.

        You must be specific with your outcome because this workS, so be careful in your detail.

        The brain prefers a specific goal in fine detail so that it can get to work to identify what is required to bring it about. You will find also that by being specific
        and by defining the outcome well you will be able to picture the goal better.

        Your subconscious needs a vivid visual image in order to impact on it. You will find that intense emotional feelings will help to hold your attention on your
        future history. Remember, the correct approach here is to think BIG and not to be too concerned about how you are going to achieve your goal. The energy at
        this point has to be focused on convincing the subconscious that the future history has already occurred.

        You know everybody is programming all the time anyway. The person who gets up on a wet and windy morning, gets caught in a traffic jam before getting
        to work and says to themselves, ‘I bet it’s going to be one of those days’, is programming a negative day. Indeed, the subconscious will be forced to focus the
        conscious mind on what apparently goes wrong and, of course, this person will fail to see any of the positive input that in truth is all around.

        I programme most things, and guess what? I just keep getting the outcomes I desire in my life. If the programme doesn’t work out, as occasionally it doesn’t,
        then my attitude is, ‘there must be a good reason for this’, and I simply accept it and move on. Think about it. How often in your life has an event occurred
        that you were really disappointed by? Perhaps you believed it to be a major setback: maybe you didn’t get a job or failed to reach some necessary standard or
        whatever. Only now you look back and realise that something better occurred later and indeed the apparent disappointment was actually the best thing that
        could have happened.
        Now, since we do not concern ourselves with HOW within the solutions suite but rather with the clarity of the outcome itself, it is vital that we have the
        correct attitude to the programme.

        There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge.  Napoleon Hill

        Once you get into programming and you see the results you will soon recognise a great truth: we are limited only by our own thoughts. Again this is why we
        must think BIG when it comes to setting our goals. The first requirement, though, is that you must have a massive desire for your outcome.

            1.  Desire
        Nothing will happen if the desire is not there, since it is the source of energy that lifts you up and gets you towards your goal. The desire is what overcomes   Page316
        procrastination: it is necessary in order to break inertia and it is vital for building the momentum required.
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