Page 311 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 311

The House on The Right Hemisphere – Let’s go there now!

        Find a comfortable position in your chair, close your eyes and begin breathing in a slow and regular manner. Begin to focus your mind and body on relaxing
        into a healthy state of being. Again, as each part of your body is mentioned,  concentrate on it and focus your thinking on producing relaxation.

        Close your eyes and begin breathing in a regular and slow manner. We will now begin to focus your mind and body on relaxing into a healthy state of being.
        As I mention different parts of your body, concentrate on each one and focus your thinking on producing relaxation.

        Concentrate on your scalp.

        Repeat mentally after me: I feel my scalp … I am aware of my scalp … my scalp is relaxing … I feel my scalp relax … my scalp is very relaxed … My forehead is relaxing … I
        feel my forehead relax … my forehead is very relaxed … Now my eyelids begin to relax … I can feel them become limp, almost heavy … my eyelids are relaxed … This
        relaxation is now spreading around my eyes and beginning to relax the muscles of my face … I feel my face relax – very, very relaxed now …

        My mouth is relaxed … I feel my mouth relax … my tongue … and now my throat begins to relax … I feel my throat relax … My head is completely relaxed, as my neck now
        feels the pleasant experience of relaxation flow slowly downwards to my shoulders …

        My shoulders are becoming very relaxed … this warm feeling is getting deeper and deeper … my shoulders are very, very relaxed … This deep relaxation is now flowing into
        my arms … my arms are becoming very limp as the upper muscles of my arms now relax … all the muscles of my arms are becoming limp and deeply relaxed, right down
        to my fingertips …

        My chest and upper back are now relaxing … a warm glow of deep relaxation completely relaxes my chest … my chest is very, very relaxed … This healthy relaxing glow
        continues to flow down into my abdomen and lower back … The muscles of my stomach are very relaxed; very, very relaxed indeed … My pelvic region now relaxes as the
        warm sensation continues to flow downwards as I become more and more relaxed …

        The relaxation now flows into my thighs … the powerful muscles of my thighs are now completely relaxed … right to the bones … so relaxed, just like my upper body … The
        feeling flows further, into my knees … my knees are now very, very relaxed … The relaxation is now spreading into my calves, becoming ever more relaxed, very, very
        relaxed, and on down to my ankles … They are now relaxed, so relaxed … and now to my feet … my toes … the soles of my feet and heels … completely, completely relaxed
        … I enjoy the wonderful benefits of complete relaxation now …

        Take a deep breath and relax … I will now adjust and imagine that I am standing on the right side of the bridge that straddles the river … I am facing a wonderful
        landscape … I can feel my feet on the lush green grass  … overhead the sky is blue and the air is fresh with the scent of the meadow … I can hear the sounds of this
        wonderful land before me … I will shortly walk into the landscape, creating its scenery as I go in order to find the ideal location for my house … I now begin this beautiful
        journey, giving myself some time to create the landscape all around me. [approximately 1 minute] I now focus my mind on the site where I will construct my House On The
        Right Hemisphere … First I create the walls; their height and features are as I choose … Now the windows … The entrance is welcoming and attractive to me … I have now
        created the outer construction of my House On The Right Hemisphere … I will use it to achieve whatever I desire for my life … I now leave the house and return to the   Page311
        river’s edge … I feel the lush green grass beneath my feet. I will shortly count from 1 to 7 and gradually adjust to come out of this healthy state of deep relaxation …
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