Page 307 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 307

Exercise: A simple relaxation

        Close your eyes and begin breathing in a regular and slow manner. We will now begin to focus your mind and body on relaxing into a healthy state of being.
        As I mention different parts of your body, concentrate on each one and focus your thinking on producing relaxation.

        Concentrate on your scalp.
        Repeat mentally after me: I feel my scalp … I am aware of my scalp … my scalp is relaxing … I feel my scalp relax … my scalp is very relaxed … My
        forehead is relaxing … I feel my forehead relax … my forehead is very relaxed … Now my eyelids begin to relax … I can feel them become limp, almost
        heavy … my eyelids are relaxed … This relaxation is now spreading around my eyes and beginning to relax the muscles of my face … I feel my face relax –
        very, very relaxed now …

        My mouth is relaxed … I feel my mouth relax … my tongue … and now my throat begins to relax … I feel my throat relax … My head is completely relaxed,
        as my neck now feels the pleasant experience of relaxation flow slowly downwards to my shoulders …

        My shoulders are becoming very relaxed … this warm feeling is getting deeper and deeper … my shoulders are very, very relaxed … This deep relaxation is
        now flowing into my arms … my arms are becoming very limp as the upper muscles of my arms now relax … all the muscles of my arms are becoming limp
        and deeply relaxed, right down to my fingertips …

        My chest and upper back are now relaxing … a warm glow of deep relaxation completely relaxes my chest … my chest is very, very relaxed … This healthy
        relaxing glow continues to flow down into my abdomen and lower back … The muscles of my stomach are very relaxed; very, very relaxed indeed … My
        pelvic region now relaxes as the warm sensation continues to flow downwards as I become more and more relaxed …

        The relaxation now flows into my thighs … the powerful muscles of my thighs are now completely relaxed … right to the bones … so relaxed, just like my
        upper body … The feeling flows further, into my knees … my knees are now very, very relaxed … The relaxation is now spreading into my calves, becoming
        ever more relaxed, very, very relaxed, and on down to my ankles … They are now relaxed, so relaxed … and now to my feet … my toes … the soles of my feet
        and heels … completely, completely relaxed … I enjoy the wonderful benefits of complete relaxation now …

        When ready I am going to count from 1 to 7 to gradually readjust and come out of this healthy state of deep relaxation … 1 … 2 … 3 … 4 … now beyond the
        midpoint, when I open my eyes I will be wide awake and revitalised both physically and mentally … 5, I begin to adjust my body … 6, I prepare to open my
        eyes … and 7, I open my eyes and am wide awake now, both physically and mentally alert.

        It may seem on first reading the relaxation that it will take a long time to do. You will be surprised just how you feel about time once you’ve done it. Over a
        short period, even just a few practice sessions, you will be able to dispense with the above and achieve the same relaxation very quickly on your own. I use
        this approach and the rest of the techniques that follow to focus my mind completely in a matter of seconds or over a longer time – say 10 or 15 minutes
        depending on my situation and need. I practise this relaxation technique three times a day and it makes a wonderful difference.                             Page307
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