Page 318 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 318

Repeat the relaxation process now.

        I now imagine the bright sunlight reaching deep within, filtering out and washing away all my limiting and destructive attitudes, particularly my negative
        thinking today … Readjusting and turning off the shower I now step out, instantly dried and fresh with positive expectations …

        In a moment I will create my solutions suite, which is entered by a doorway I have chosen from the central hallway … It will be used for problem solving and
        goal setting …

        I now leave my cleansing gym and enter my central hallway, the walls covered with images depicting times from my past when I have been at my very best …

        I now create the room that will house my solutions suite … I decide on its shape, the height of the ceiling … now the decorative features, colours and lighting
        … On one of the walls, high up near the ceiling, I will place a time-frame for programming dates … Suspended on the wall just below the timeframe I now
        erect three gigantic cinema screens: one in the middle for the now, one to the left for my future histories, and one to the right for my past recordings …
        Facing the central screen I will now install a luxury chair …

        Now a projector and remote-control handset for operating the screens … I will project images on to the screens for the purpose of setting goals and problem
        solving … In future I will admit and accept that I have a challenge that I wish to address by projecting its current status on the central screen … I can go
        into the past screen on the right to analyse …

        By using my remote control I can return to the central screen and turn down the image, feelings and sounds until it becomes an instant dot … I can then
        imagine pressing a delete button to remove the programme completely from the screen … Now, on the left-hand (future) screen I will explore alternatives
        before selecting the one I truly want for my life at this time … I will make it bigger and bigger, bringing it closer to me before freeze-framing it in brilliant
        white light … I will then have a future history …

        Regularly reviewing my future histories on the left-hand screen will build my desire, belief and certainty that I will achieve my goal or desired outcome … I
        have now created my editing suite … I will use it for attracting into my life the people, places and opportunities I need to achieve my goals …

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