Page 408 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 408

What characteristics to look for in an ideal partner

              Many thousands of research pages into the field of human relationships, can be distilled into a bullet point list of ideal qualities & attitudes of both
              partners. Whilst it would be unreasonable to expect any one person to be the master of all of these points, a genuine commitment to improving or attaining
              more of these attributes will improve your chances of enjoying a healthy long-lasting relationship. As you read through the list, ask yourself if either you
      or your partner are excelling or deficient in important areas.

             Committed to learning everything to be a better partner      Commitment to Personal Growth                    Controls jealousy
             Committed to supporting personal growth of partner           Maturity & a sense of Responsibility             Shows appreciation and pride
             Acknowledges and admires praiseworthy qualities              Creates right mix of certainty & Spontaneity     Shows true feelings of affection
             Shows an awareness of avoiding hurt for partner              Always contributing value to the relationship    Emotionally Open
             Always seeking to make a financial contribution              Self dependant – maintains own character         Positive Attitude towards Life
             Keeps asking questions to learn about the other as they grow    Relationship doesn’t solve all life problems    Honesty, Integrity & Trustworthy
             Identifies the areas of incompatibility and works on them    Compassionate, accepting and understanding       Seeks to be authentic with the other
             importance of differences in views and attitudes             Keeps passion alive in the relationship          Expresses feelings readily
             Practices quiet forgiveness and acceptance consistently      Focuses on partners positive qualities           Release pressure from the partner
             Eliminates the influence of guilt in the relationship        Avoids situations that give cause to be doubted    Always seeks to be significant
             Doesn’t ignore potential problems, deals with them           Right mix of selfless and selfish attitudes      Flexible and embraces change
             Knows value of  real moments of love and happiness           Believes love in itself is not enough            Not use relationship as a crutch
             Happy mix of freedom and boundaries in the relationship      Romance : feels it, displays it, often           Pays attention and shows it
             Manages and controls their own needy-ness & self esteem      Earn trust and respect with consistent character    Doesn’t justify or wear masks
             Avoids circumstances when they are draining the other        Sense of fun and love of life with a passion     Equality in the relationship
             Unconditional, non judgmental acceptance of the other        Sees friendship as the most important element    Maintains own High Self Esteem
             Passion, keeps the electricity and chemistry flowing         Encourages open and honest communication         Has courage to love deeply
             Strives to achieve a balance of control, happy for both      Manages own expectations to avoid resentment     Easy going and liked by others
             Knows what attracted the other, maintains and builds upon it    Avoids manipulative tactics to control the other    Reliable
             Remains always capable of meeting emotional needs            Shares innermost thoughts and experiences        Polite and respectful
             Takes care of themselves physically, diet, exercise          Sensitive to how the partner is feeling          Warm and friendly
             Unafraid of expressing love in looks, words, touch, gestures    Character commands respect from others        Kind and considerate
             Wants partners happiness as much as their own                Doesn’t clam up or allow issues to fester        Calm. Uses anger wisely
             Wants to progress in life and relationship                   Enjoys discussion of ideas and thoughts          Honest with themselves
             Interested in events outside relationship                    Open to opinions and feelings of others          Confident and independent
             Works on compatibility to nurture needs of other             Shares values on important issues                                                       Page408
             Satisfies physical needs of the other                        Unafraid of commitment in all areas
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