Page 6 - Once a copper 10 03 2020
P. 6

The service has changed considerably since the eighties. The experiences
               were of a different and bygone era in policing. Whilst there have been many
               improvements, many would say it wasn’t enough to stem the declining public
               trust, faith and confidence in a service that was once considered the best in
               the world.

               The public are presented a distorted view of the police, influenced by the
               police dramas shown on television. Real police officers do not catch every
               baddy. They do not solve every crime. In fact the truth is often far from this
               unobtainable utopia.

               Recent years have seen the service undergo wide-reaching alterations to
               shake off outdated practices, equipment, and organizational structure.
               Extensive budgetary cuts in the wake of the 2007-2008 financial crisis have
               had significant ramifications for the future of policing.

               What can be said of UK policing today?

               Despite extensive cuts to police budgets and manpower, forces continue to
               invest in new technologies intended to improve the speed and accuracy of
               police work.

                            Tablet computer devices streamline the recording and distribution
                          of information via secure police applications

                          Facial recognition software identifies a person from a photograph or
                          video, making comparisons to mugshots in criminal databases.
                          However, there those who argue that this breaches civil liberties and
               the right to anonymity.
                              Laser-mapping produces 3D visual diagrams allowing precisely
                              detailed recreations of crime scenes, digitally preserving the
                              original conditions.

                            Thermal imaging cameras have been employed for multiple uses,
                            such as detecting cannabis farms hidden in inconspicuous
                            buildings, picking up on the heat emitted from the equipment
               used in the cultivation of drugs.
                             Online crime reporting for less serious crimes enabling improved
                             efficiency of prioritisation of resources, reducing the number of
               999 calls made for less urgent matters

                                     50,000 volts delivered by taser shot to subdue violent or
                                     dangerous offenders. Around 10% of current UK officers are
                                     trained to us the controversial weapon.
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