Page 82 - Once a copper 10 03 2020
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depends upon which class the prisoner belongs to or which crime he/she has

               Among the population of any British prison there exists a hierarchy, a pecking
               order. There are constant power struggles as those in the middle vie for more

                        Figure 39  typical example of Social Hierarchy in Prison

               Serial killers/murderers
               At the top of the hierarchical order within a prison come the serial killers or
               murderers. These are the most feared prisoners and none of the other
               prisoners like t cross them. These individuals have committed the crime of the
               highest order and hold powerful and strong statuses among their inmates.
               They are also often feared by officers and sometimes enjoy special privileges
               like having other prisoners do their tasks etc.

               Included in this ‘top of the heap’ category would be high-ranking members
               of crime organisations. Old-style American/Italian and Eastern European
               block Mafia members are the first that come to mind. These guys are
               powerful and likely to head up "gangs," both inside and out of jail.

               Drug dealers

               On the second rung of the prison social hierarchy are the drug dealers. Drug
               dealing is also considered a serious crime in most countries and the
               punishment for it too is of a long term. It is a risky business and hence those
               committed on these charges are feared within the prison walls. Drug dealers                        Page82
               usually order others around and have links throughout the prison.
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