Page 83 - Once a copper 10 03 2020
P. 83


               In terms of the seriousness of the crimes, robbers and burglars come third in a
               prison social structure. These individuals are not considered as dangerous but
               still enjoy a position of fear and respect. They get along both with drug
               dealers and those below them in the social order.


               Child gendered and domestic abusers are at a lower position in the prison
               social hierarchy. These individuals are punished for a comparatively shorter
               span of time than those above them and do not like to cross killers and
               dealers. They possess little power and say in prison politics and usually keep to
               their own in between the walls, often segregated for their own safety.

               Lowest on the list are sex offenders, abusers and rapists or "nonces" as they
               are known collectively. Offences against children are the worst. Those who
               commit them are the most reviled. They live in constant fear of attack, of
               being scalded with sugared hot water or being slashed with home-made

               These are inmates who are incarcerated for crimes even other inmates find
               reprehensible. Crimes where the victims could be another inmate's loved
               ones. Inmates will victimise these people to act out rage but ironically, these
               inmates can be the easiest for the staff to manage. They are often more
               intelligent and well-educated than the average inmate, and they don't want
               to make enemies among the staff. They might get prison jobs where their
               intellect is useful, like clerking or assisting with educational programs.

               Both child rapists and adult rapists come near the bottom of the hierarchy in
               prison social structure. They are often asked to do tasks involving hard work
               by their superiors. They are not as feared as a group but some of them are
               notorious and consequently, live at a distance from others. Rapists are
               treated with the same contempt as those who attack elderly folk and
               sexually or physically attacking children.
               Nearer the top of the hierarchy is the armed robber. He is considered the
               aristocrat of the community and the sex offenders are the serfs. Between
               them is a whole plethora of types of offender; from fraudsters and thieves, to
               those who have committed grievous bodily harm (violence rates highly).

               The 10 months Frederick West spent on remand in Winson Green prison would
               have given him a good idea of what to expect had he been convicted. It’s
               likely he thought of spending the rest of his life in such a precarious
               environment was pertinent in the way his life ended.                                               Page83
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