Page 35 - 4. Pre-Course Reading-Training on Forestry Audit 2019
P. 35
Appendix 1: Forestry Audit Case Studies
Audit Scope Audit objectives
1. Cimanuk-Citanduy and Citarum-Ciliwung To evaluate the effect of setting up an ecological forest on the
River Basin Management. surrounding environment. This was done by investigating the capital
inflow from all governments involved, as well as by investigating
2. Province Forestry of Jawa Barat.
the management and protection of the forests by governments,
3. Province Agribusiness of Bogor. collectives, and foresters. The attention and awareness of govern-
ments and the general public to the setting up of ecological
4. The period audited was from 2003-2007.
forests was assessed. An assessment was also made on the
effect that the setting up of an ecological forest had on local and
downstream environments. Finally, the effects that such forests
Audit Criteria
have on foresters’ incomes was also investigated.
1. Environmental Management Regulation -
Regulation No.23, 1997.
Audit scope
2. Forestry Regulation - Regulation No.41, 1999.
1. Appropriation and use of compensation funds.
3. Reforestation Regulation – Government
Regulation No.104, 2000. 2. Management of ecological forests.
4. Guidance on Performing Forest and Land Rehabilitation. 3. Evaluation of the effect of ecological forest on its environ- 35
ment (including effects on climate change, bio-diversity, water
and soil erosion, geological disasters, and forest tourism).
1. The program funded in 2003-2006 reaches only 200,005 ha
of land. This means the reforestation program has not redu- Findings
ced the critical area of forest and land in Jawa barat signifi- Audit results showed that ecological forest construction is
cantly (the target was reducing 580,397 ha of critical area). important for improving the ecological environment.
2. Inefficiency of fund usage on Forest and Land Rehabilitation 1. Compensation system has been established. Eco-
Program because of poor planning and procurement of compensation funds of provinces, cities, and counties are
seeds. listed in the annual financial budget. Compensation funds
have increased year by year consistent with economic deve-
a) There was inefficient green city development in Bogor lopment. There is a mechanism for increasing the compen-
and Sumedang City, amounting to Rp84,831,050,00 on. sation fees received by foresters.
This is because a local government did not refer to the
appropriate regulations when choosing the reforestation area. 2. Forests are better managed. An Ecological Forest Divi-
sion was set up, and responsibility papers were signed
b) Seed procurement amounting to Rp2,570,911,200.00 between various levels of governments. The papers signed
was not optimal. This meant the government lost a chance related to forest felling, environmental protection, fire pre-
to improve environmental quality, especially in terms of
forest and land area. This was because the Forestry vention, and pest control. 19400 rangers and 2323 inspectors
were employed around the province. Remote video moni-
Ministry did not pay attention to and consider the early toring systems were put in place. Global Information System
policy strategy of Reforestation Program.
(GIS) was set up.
c) Tree planting at the Cipularang by-pass in 2006 was not
done in a manner appropriate to the regulations. Conse- 3. There are ecological benefits. Investigation of 1.97 million
hectares of ecological forest in 2007 by forestry research
quently, the government lost a chance to improve environ- institutions demonstrated that such forests increase aero-
mental quality. This happened because the procurement
of tree planting did not refer to the appropriate regulation. anion concentration and humidity, and play an active role in
controlling climate change and improving water quality.
d) There was inefficiency in seeds procurement amounting Twenty provincial nature reserves and eight wetlands have
to Rp979,775,650.00. This happened because the Head been set up in different ecological forests of the province,
of river basin management did not refer to the price stan- benefiting endangered wild flora and fauna. The “Bulletin of
dard established by Forestry Ministry, and weakness in the Monitoring on Water and Soil Conservation”, issued by the
control systems. Water Resources Department and the Water and Soil
Conservation Committee, reported that areas of water and
Source: The Audit Board of The Republic of Indonesia.2008.Audit Report of Forest and
Land Rehabilitation Program.[Online].The Audit Board of The Republic of Indonesia. soil erosion decreased by 15.38% from 2000 to 2005. Eco-
Available at: logical forests construction also brings tourism opportunities.
4. There are deficiencies. The audit demonstrated defi-
5. CLIMATE CHANGE ciencies in funding, and management quality. For example,
areas in key ecological forests are still susceptible to forest
fires, there also damage due to pine wilt disease and over-
Title: “Evaluation of Impact of Key Ecological Forest felling. Because of the relatively small area of ecological forest,
Construction on Ecological Environment” the large proportion of conifer, and the low quality of the forest
(National Audit Office of the People´s Republic of China, 2008) structure, the rate of improvement could not keep pace with
environment pollution caused by economic development. Some
governments did not appropriate compensation funds in the
stipulated time.