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Kultura / Culture

              RETROSPEKTIVNA IZLOŽBA VELIKOG SLIKARA                                           Detalj sa otvaranja
                                                                                            izložbe u istanbulskom
                                                                                                   Pera muzeju
              Berberova “Alegorija                                                                Detail from the
                                                                                              exhibition opening at
              Bosne“ u Pera muzeju                                                          Peru Museum in Istanbul

                  jećanje na slavnog oca i velikog bh. umjetnika Mersada Berbera (1940-
                  2012), i nakon pet godina otkako nas je napustio, održava njegova po-
              Srodica, sa sinom Ensarom na čelu.
              Nakon tri impozantne izložbe u Londonu, Splitu i Dubrovniku, nova retros-
              pektivna izložba Berberovih djela otvorena je u najprestižnijem turskom
              muzeju “Pera“ u Istanbulu.
              Izložba pod nazivom “Alegorija Bosne“ okarakterizirana je kao jedan od
              najznačajnijih kulturnih događaja, a za javnost će biti otvorena do 7. maja.
              Berber je uvijek bio hroničar Bosne, neumorno je slikao fragmente svoje ze-
              mlje, što je odraz slojevite kulturne historije. Njegova djela nalaze se u respek-
              tabilnim, privatnim zbirkama, muzejima i galerijama širom svijeta.    M. Č.


              Berber’s Bosnian Allegory

              in Turkish Pera Museum

                    ersad Berber (1940 – 2012) left us five years ago. His family, particularly
                    his son Ensar, keeps the memory of a great father and artist.
              MAfter three impressive exhibitions in London, Split and Dubrovnik, the      BERBER: Bio je neumorni
              new exhibition of retrospectives was opened in the most prestigious Turkish   hroničar Bosne i Hercegovine
              Museum Pera in Istanbul. The exhibition “Bosnian Allegory” is characterised as
              the most important cultural event. It will be open until 7 May.            BERBER: Tireless chronicler of
              Berber was a chronicler of Bosnia and he tirelessly painted fragments of his co-  Bosnia and Herzegovina
              untry as a reflection of layered cultural history. His works are part of respectable
              private collections or they are exhibited in museums and galleries worldwide.

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