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Hedonizam / Hedonism

              Kuća u Dubrovniku je
              kapitenova posljednja velika
                                                                HOW DO B&H FOOTBALL STARS ENJOY
              Captain’s last big purchase is   Bentley Continental GT
              a house in Dubrovnik            Njime je zadovoljan
                                                 golgeter Rome   Džeko drives Bentley,
                                                 Rome striker is
                                                                Pjanić Mercedes
                                                 pleased with it

                                                                     ur national team footballers play mainly in big clubs and
                                                                     have contracts that guarantee them exorbitant salaries.
                                                               OEdin Džeko, Miralem Pjanić, Asmir Begović, Vedad Ibiše-
                                                                vić, Muhamed Bešić are our best players. They do not hide they
                                                                know how to enjoy the luxury, but they do not emphasize it and
                                                                are always willing to help. Expensive cars are parked in their ga-
                                                                rages, but they invest in real estate as well.
                                                                Captain of the B&H football team and Roma striker Edin Dzeko,
                                                                after buying an apartment near the Sarajevo Cathedral, close to
                                                                the former Šipad’s department store in Titova Street, and buying
                                                                a luxurious villa at Poljine, decided to investment outside Sarajevo.
                                                                He bought a house in Dubrovnik, Croatia when he played for Man-
                                                                chester City. It is a big house with a swimming pool overlooking
                                                                the sea, Grebeni islands and Sumratin Lagoon, at the beginning
                                                                of Petra Svačića Street. The house was built by Dubrovnik-born
                                                                architect Stipe Pašalić. Our best football player fell in love with
              je igrao za Manchester City.                      Dubrovnik when he was there on a vacation with our national fo-
              On je naime kupio veliku kuću s bazenom i pogledom na   otballer Emir Spahić. Most of our footballers have a large car fleets.
              more, Grebene i Uvalu Sumratin na početku Ulice Petra Sva-  Zlatan Muslimović had the fastest car, the Mercedes CLS AMG.
              čića, koju je izgradio dubrovački arhitekt Stipe Pašalić.   Zdenko Baotić and Dario Damjanović drove the Golf R32 and the
              Naš najbolji nogometaš zaljubio se u ovaj grad gostujući če-  Audi RS4. But, it was a long time ago, and today B&H footballers
              sto na odmoru kod još jednog našeg reprezentativca Emi-  drive very expensive cars. “The most expensive thing I’ve ever
              ra Spahića.                                       bought was Ferrari California,” goalkeeper Asmir Begović said.
              Većina naših fudbalskih reprezentativaca unaprijedila je i svoj   He drove Mercedes E-class AMG and sponsorship’s Jeep Grand
              vozni park. Nekad se među Zmajevima najbržim automobilom   Cherokee. After signing for Manchester City captain of B&H na-
              isticao Zlatan Muslimović sa Mercedesom CLS AMG ili Zden-  tional team Edin Džeko bought the Porsche Panamera. Then he
              ko Baotić i Dario Damjanović sa Golfom R32, odnosno Audi-  replaced it with the Mercedes ML 63 AMG and the white Bentley
              jem RS4. Danas ispred hotela naše reprezentacije možemo   Continental GT, worth about 350,000 BAM.

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