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Najveći uspjeh bh.
industrije namještaja
Kolekcija Elle bh. industrije namještaja MS&WOOD („Maj-
stori i Drvo“) uvrštena je u kategoriju Međunarodng sajma
namještaja u Kölnu, i sa 30 različitih proizvoda iz svijeta
dio je zvanične postavke Umjetničke galerije u tom gradu.
Najvišu ocjenu „Best of Best“ dobije samo 30 od nekoliko hi-
ljada proizvoda koje svake godine ocjenjuje žiri sastavljen od
najeminentnijih stručnjaka za dizajn i kvalitet Sajma u Kölnu.
- To što smo ponovili prošlogodišnji uspjeh, pobijedivši po-
novo u dvije različite kategorije inovativnog namještaja za
stolicu i sto na Međunarodnom sajmu u Kölnu (IMM Colo-
gne), uspjeh je koji se nije desio u 100 godina postojanja
Sajma. Ulaskom u krug Top 30 najznačajnijeg sajma namje-
štaja na svijetu, dokazali smo da smo na tronu proizvođača
visokokvalitetnog namještaja - izjavio je Muhamed Pilav,
direktor kompanije MS&WOOD.
Stolicu i sto iz kolekcije Elle fojničkog proizvođača dizajnirala
je sarajevska dizajnerica Nataša Perković, a nagrađeni su u ka-
tegoriji pobjednika Iconic Awards: Interior Inovation Winner.
Dolac kod Travnika jedini na
Balkanu proizvodi šibice
Fabrika šibica Dolac kod Travnika jedina na Balkanu proi-
zvodi drvca za paljenje vatre. Od nekadašnjih 200, danas
u ovoj firmi radi desetak povremenih radnika. Ipak, novi
vlasnici nisu htjeli ugasiti šibicaru, koja postoji 116 godi-
na, bez obzira na to što su jeftini upaljači potisnuli šibice.
- Fabrika radi za domaće tržište, a nešto se izvozi i u
susjednu Srbiju. Desetak radnika radi povremeno u
proizvodnji šibica, koje se prodaju u maloprodajnim
ELLE COLLECTION IN CATEGORY “BEST OF BEST” objektima preduzeća Best, vlasnika šibicare - izjavila je
za Anadoliju direktorica fabrike Ljubinka Lešić.
Greatest achievement Pored šibice za domaćinstvo, ovdje se proizvodi i kamin-
ska šibica, sve traženija na tržištu. Zahvaljujući inovaciji
of B&H furniture industry Seada Šćetića, majstora na održavanju, ručni rad zami-
jenjen je mašinskim. Uslovi za rad su dobri, plaća redov-
na, a s novom tehnološkom linijom raditi je puno lakše.
Collection Elle, made by the Bosnian furniture factory MS &
WOOD, was included in the category of “Best of the Best” at Dolac Travnik is the only factory in the
the International Interiors Show in Cologne. MS & Wood was
part of the exhibition at Art Gallery in Cologne together with Balkans that manufactures matches
30 different manufacturers from the world.
The highest grade “Best of the Best” gets only 30 of the Dolac Travnik is the only factory in the Balkans that
thousands of products and it is evaluated by a jury composed manufactures matches. It used to employ 200 workers,
of the most eminent experts in the design and quality of the but today it employs just a dozen part-time workers. New
show in Cologne. owners didn’t want to shut down the factory that was
“We have repeated the last year’s success by winning again in built 116 years ago, no matter the lighters are cheaper and
two different categories of innovative furniture for chairs and everybody uses them.
tables at the International Interiors Show in Cologne (IMM “We manufacture matches for our market and export to
Cologne). This success hasn’t happen in the last 100 years. Serbia. We employ about ten part-time workers. We sell
Now we are on the top 30 list compiled by the most important matches at Best, stores of the owner of the factory”, said
furniture show in the world, and we have proved that we Ljubinka Lešić, the CEO. They manufacture popular fireplace
manufactured the high quality furniture, said Muhamed Pilav, matches as well. Sead Šćetić, a maintenance man, invented
CEO of MS & WOOD. a machine and today it’s not handcraft like it used to be.
Chair and table Collection Elle is designed by the Natasa Perković Working conditions are good, they have regular salary and
from Sarajevo and it was awarded in the category Iconic Awards: new production line makes their work easier.
Interior Innovation Winner.
90 MART / MARCH 2017.