Page 23 - The Miracle in the Cell
P. 23
only a little intelligence can free himself from the effects of this spell.
To unprejudiced eyes, this pompous "theory" developed to explain
how the car moves is nothing but nonsense. Because the car is in the
hands of an unseen controller, and is not doing anything other than
moving according to the commands given to it. And the way to arrive
at this conclusion is not through science, but through intelligent con-
sciousness. As we mentioned before, science can analyze only the
movements of the car; and once it has carried out this analysis, its job
is done. Science is not a guide, only a means. And the way to under-
standing that the toy car has no mind of its own, but that a greater
mind manifests in the car, is via intelligence and conscience.
And so if people are devoid of these qualities, no matter the num-
ber of universities from which they may have graduated, regardless of
whether they've reached the pinnacle of their academic careers and
have dedicated their lives to science, they can descend to such a com-
ically pitiful state that they cannot perceive such an evidently plain
truth. They waste their whole lives in the struggle to find intricate but
erroneous explanations for events.
This is similar to a man who remains unaware of the Sun because
he never lifts up his head. He then travels his whole life, constructing
thousands of incongruous theories to explain why the world is illu-
mined for some hours, and then becomes shrouded in darkness. He
will hit on any number of complicated theories, all in accord with his
degree of cleverness. To find the source of the light, he will make
detailed extraordinary links between the objects found on Earth and
everyday processes. But since he doesn't have enough intelligence, he
won't be able to witness the existence of the Sun up in the sky and will
not be able to perceive such a plain truth.
His situation is not far different to that of someone who doesn't
understand that the whole universe in which he lives and all of the
components of this universe were created by God and are regulated by