Page 24 - The Miracle in the Cell
P. 24

                    Why cannot these people comprehend such a clear and evident
                    The secret of this is given to us in the Qur'an: Cleverness is not
                enough to comprehend the true nature of the universe in which we
                live; we also need wisdom. Only to the degree that a person possesses
                true wisdom can he arrive at accurate and firm conclusions as a result
                of what is transmitted to his intellect and attain to fundamental truths.
                Intellect is a function of the brain; whereas as is explained in the
                Qur'an, wisdom is a function of the heart. If a person's heart has
                become hardened and calloused, he will not be able to understand and
                therefore, will not succeed in reaching God via the things he sees
                around him. And because he will not have perceived the purpose of
                his being created, he will only be in the position of an animal slightly
                smarter than the other animals. He will continue his life like an ani-
                mal, a creature that does not think or comprehend. The Qur'an speaks
                of these people whose hearts have become rusted-that is, who have
                become bereft of conscience and common sense-with the following
                    Don't such people realize that they will be raised up on a Terrible
                    Day, the Day humanity will stand before the Lord of all the worlds?
                    (Qur'an, 83:4-6)
                    Woe that Day to the deniers: those who deny the Day of Reckoning.
                    No one denies it except for every evil aggressor. When Our signs are
                    recited to him, he says, "Just myths and legends of the previous peo-
                    ples!" No indeed! Rather what they have earned has rusted up their
                    hearts. No indeed! Rather that Day they will be veiled from their
                    Lord. (Qur'an, 83:10-15)

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