Page 20 - The Miracle in the Cell
P. 20
itself. Thus is put forth a theory that explains the car.
In a short time, this "scientist" finds others who think like him.
Together, they develop this theory further and establish a "forum"
from which they propose a new branch of science. They then begin a
scientific analysis of the car's movements and develop various formu-
las. How much does the car slow when it approaches a curve, and at
what angle does it turn? Under what conditions does it speed up, and
how fast does it go? Under what conditions does it slow down or
stop? When does it reverse? They meticulously measure these and
many other similar characteristics and make calculations. They then
write a book detailing all these measurements and calculations.
But their actual problem lies in explaining how the car came to
be able to carry out such perfect actions all by itself. And none of the
analyses and research carried out by these so-called "scientists" can
answers that question. They may have described innumerable fea-
tures about the car's technical aspects and details, and are coming up
with more findings every day. But as yet, they haven't made the slight-
est advance in understanding the radio-car's manufacture, and thus
are no better off than when they first started: Who made the car? How
did it come about to move in such a "conscious" manner? These are all
still mysteries.
The "scientists" reply by avoiding and disguising these ques-
tions. To begin with, they try their best to prevent them from arising
in the first place. When questions do come up, they give a very "sci-
entific" explanation: "Maybe we don't have any evidence that holds
up right now, but surely answers will be found in the future."
The theory that the car came about by itself is so entrenched and
elaborated that by now, it has become the foundation of these scien-
tists' careers. For this reason, they try their hardest to keep the theory
credible, whatever the cost. If need be, they'll even resort to deceit and
trickery to keep the theory from losing credibility and to stop people
from considering other possibilities. But of course, any such dishon-