Page 40 - The Miracle in the Cell
P. 40
So why not ask the same questions about the cell? If somebody
wrote the information on the disc in our example, then who created
DNA so perfectly, which is much more superior and more highly
advanced; and then placed it carefully in a tiny cell-which is a miracle
by itself-without losing any of its characteristics, from thousands of
years ago until today? (Never forget, the human brain that manufac-
tured the disc and programmed the instructions inside it is composed
of these same cells we are talking about).
What more important questions could there be than who created
the cell and why? These cells are on constant duty to let you read these
lines, see, breathe, think, in short exist and continue your existence.
The answer to that question is this: Almighty God created all
entities in the universe, living or inanimate, from nothing and
installed DNA, with all its miraculous properties, into the cell, the
building block of all living things. The purpose of human life is to be
able to see this truth and serve our Great Lord.
A Few Further Examples
After a plane crash, survivors who are left stranded, will make a
giant X on the ground in an empty field, so that rescue workers flying
overhead may be able to spot them. With their belongings or anything
else they can find, they construct a big and obviously artificial cross.
Seeing this product of intelligence, rescue workers will realize that
there are conscious creatures-in other words, human beings-down
When you drive along highways in Turkey, sometimes you come
across sentences written in white stones on a hillside, such as
Everything for the nation. It's quite clear how these messages came to be
there. Somewhere nearby, beyond the hill, is an army unit, and they
have formed these words with white stones.
Could anyone claim that these words were not written by a con-
scious, literate soldier, but that they just appeared there by coinci-