Page 41 - The Miracle in the Cell
P. 41

                dence? Could anyone say that as the stones rolled down the hill, they
                randomly formed such sentences?
                    What if a scientist were to declare, "There are trillions of stones
                in the world, and they have been rolling around for millions of years.
                Therefore, it is possible that some of these stones could come togeth-
                er at random to form meaningful sentences." Wouldn't even children
                laugh at him? And on top of that, were he to employ scientific lan-
                guage and give scientific explanations with probability calculations,
                wouldn't people be suspicious of his mental capacity? Forget the
                entire sentence. There's no chance that even a neat letter could be
                formed by happenstance. Even if you saw merely that first capital
                written neatly atop a hill, you would wonder why somebody wrote it
                    With these examples, we are trying to say that if there exists the
                slightest degree of planning anywhere, then there must be a conscious
                intellect behind it. No product of an intellect can ever appear by
                chance. If you roll a few white stones down a hill millions of times,
                you wouldn't even get a straight letter forming. If a letter were to
                appear, everyone would have to agree that there can be no letter with-
                out a scribe.
                    The human body, however, has a structure a trillion times more
                complex than any sentence spelled out in rocks, and there is absolute-
                ly no chance that this complex structure could have come about by
                "coincidence." Therefore it is God Who perfectly planned and fault-
                lessly organized the human being, its cells, and its DNA. To deny the
                existence and power of God, the Creator of the heavens and the Earth
                and everything in between, is the greatest possible senselessness and
                impertinence. It is great disrespect towards the Possessor of that intel-
                ligence and power.
                    But sadly, many people who can instantly grasp the impossibili-
                ty of stones bringing words together by chance, can listen, without
                objection, to the deceitful claim that a molecule like DNA, which can

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