Page 43 - The Miracle in the Cell
P. 43
together in different orders depending on the corresponding protein
they make. These genes contain the codes for approximately 200,000
different proteins with various duties in the body, the production of
which is again controlled by genes.
Yet the amount of information contained in these 200,000 genes
represents only about 3% of the total information contained in DNA.
The remaining 97% has remained a mystery to this day. Recent
research has shown that this mysterious remaining 97% contains vital
information about mechanisms that facilitate highly complex activi-
ties, and information about how the cell continues its existence.
However, scientists still have a long way to go.
Genes are found within chromosomes. There are 46 chromo-
somes in each cell in the human body (excluding the generative cells;
see Figure 2.5). Comparing each chromosome to a volume comprised
of genes, then we can say that in each cell there is a 46-volume cellu-
lar encyclopedia that contains all the information relevant to human
beings. Using our earlier analogy, this is equivalent to the amount of
hydrogen bonds
length of one complete twist of DNA
3.4nm =0.000034mm
Figure 2.2