Page 47 - The Miracle in the Cell
P. 47
chain, one consisting of 1,000 links could exist in 4 1000 forms. Using a
little algebra (logarithms) we can see that 4 1000 =10 600 . Ten multiplied
by itself 600 times gives the figure 1 followed by 600 zeros! This num-
ber is completely beyond our comprehension. 4
Even if we assume that the surrounding environment contains
all of the necessary nucleotides, plus the complex molecules and
binding enzymes needed to connect them together, the probability
that these nucleotides will ever bind together in the desired order is 1
in 4 1000 -or in other words, 1 in 10 600 . In short, the possibility of an
average human protein coming about by itself, is 1 out of a number
resulting from putting a 1 followed by 600 zeros. This number,
beyond astronomical in practical terms, means zero probability. Such
an arrangement could therefore have come about only under the con-
trol and knowledge of an intelligent and conscious power, which
belong to Almighty God, the Creator of the heavens and the Earth.
Take this sentence you are reading right now. If somebody
claimed that the letters-each with the proper size and font-came
together by themselves and randomly formed that sentence, what
would you say? Obviously, you would find such a claim highly illog-
ical, and reply that this sentence definitely originated from one who
was most intelligent and knowledgeable. And the case of DNA is no
Francis Crick is the biochemist who co-discovered the structure
of DNA, and won the Nobel Prize for his work in this area. At first a
persistent evolutionist, Crick wrote the following after he witnessed
DNA's miraculous structure:
An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now,
could only state that, in some sense, the origin of life appears at the
moment to be almost a miracle. 5
According to Crick, life could never have appeared on this Earth
by chance. So even one of the greatest specialists in DNA, and an evo-
lutionist to boot, gives no credence to the notion of coincidence in cre-