Page 51 - The Miracle in the Cell
P. 51


                                           over and over again by control
                                           enzymes. If there is a mistake-and any
                                           mistakes could prove fatal-it is quickly
                                           identified and repaired. The faulty seg-
                                           ment is removed and a corrected one
                                           brought and put into place. All of these
                                           processes occur at dizzying speeds. For
                                           example 3,000 base pairs are produced
                                           every minute, while each rung of the
                                           ladder is gone over by enzymes on
                                           duty and then repaired, if need be.
                                           External factors can cause mistakes to
               old  new  new  old          occur at a higher rate than normal in
                                           the synthesis of the new DNA mole-
              Figure 2.7                   cule. In this case, ribosomes in the cell
              Replication of the DNA helix.
              With the help of many enzymes,  begin to manufacture repair enzymes
              the helix unwinds and opens up
              like a zipper. Then nucleotides  according to the command given by the
              are secured from the surround-  DNA. In this way, the DNA is protect-
              ings, and pairs are formed with
              the appropriate base on each  ed, and the next generation of cells is
              strand. In this way are formed  preserved.
              two new helixes of DNA, each
              an exact copy of the other.  Cells, just like the human beings they
                                           make up, are born, multiply and die.
               But the life span of the cell is much shorter. For instance, most of the
               cells that made up your body six months ago are no longer alive today.
               You still exist because those old cells divided and left new cells to take
               their place. For human life to continue, it's vitally important that such
               processes as the multiplication of cells and the copying of the DNA be
               carried out flawlessly. In fact, the replication process takes place so
               perfectly that the rate of error is only one base pair in 3 billion. And
               before it can cause the body any problems, this single mistake is fixed
               by control mechanisms of a higher order.
                    So all day, without your even knowing it, innumerable processes,

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