Page 54 - The Miracle in the Cell
P. 54

Sugar phosphate backbone        Sugar phosphate backbone
               Strand 1          Base pairs joined                  Base pairs joined
                                 by hydrogen bond-                  by hydrogen
               Strand 2          ing                                bonding
                           A mistake which has
                           occurred in strand 1              An unwanted change that
                                                             occurs in the bases
               Strand 1
               Strand 2
                      Step 1
                           The damaged portion in
                           strand 1 is removed.
                                                             Uracil-DNA glycosylase
               Strand 1
               Strand 2
                     Step 2  The gap in the defective strand
                           1 is filled in by DNA poly-               The base defi-
                           merase, according to the infor-           cient DNA
                           mation found in strand 2.                 strand
               Strand 1
               Strand 2                                      AP endonuclease removes
                                                             the sugar-phosphate piece
                     Step 3  DNA ligase fills in the
                           resulting gap.
               Strand 1          Result: the defec-
                                 tive region is
               Strand 2          repaired.
              Figure 2.11                                    The help of DNA poly-
              DNA control mechanisms identify and            merase and DNA ligase
              repair any mistakes arising in the DNA as
              a result of external factors. These mecha-
              nisms are made up of enzymes produced
              according to instructions found within the
              DNA itself. There may be different types
              of repair mechanisms, but basically, the  Figure 2.12
              damaged nucleotide is repaired according  An unwanted event that occurs
              to information contained in the opposite  from time to time: the incorrect
              strand's corresponding nucleotide. This  copying of the DNA molecule. As
              process shown in the figure above basical-  can be seen in the first diagram, a
              ly consists of three steps:         uracil (U) has been placed instead
              1) After being identified by an enzyme  of a cytosine (C) in the fourth base
              called DNA nuclease, the damaged portion  position of the DNA. An enzyme
              of the DNA strand is removed. This results  called Uracil-DNA glycosylase,
              in a gap in the DNA strand.         which has the duty of repairing
              2) Another enzyme, DNA polymerase,  only this type of mistake, removes
              adds the necessary nucleotide according to  the uracil from the DNA strand. AP
              the information contained in the undam-  endonuclease removes the sugar
              aged strand of DNA.                 phosphate group from this area.
              3) The repair of the DNA is not quite fin-  DNA polymerase and DNA ligase
              ished. The gap resulting in the sugar phos-  then attach the relevant nucleotides
              phate backbone from this repair     in their place.
              mechanism is filled in by an enzyme
              called DNA ligase.

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