Page 53 - The Miracle in the Cell
P. 53
controls, and precautions take place
in your body with astonishing metic-
ulousness and sense of responsibility
to keep you alive without any prob-
lems. God has provided you with Centromere
innumerable atoms and molecules, tubules
from the tiniest to the largest, from
the simplest to the most complex, so
that you can live your life in the
most healthy fashion. Isn't this favor
and blessing alone enough to make Chromatin
fibers Outer
man continuously grateful? Or must membrane
people wait for a problem to arise in Inner membrane
this faultless system, before they
come to their senses? Figure 2.10
Duplication of chromosomes dur-
Most interesting is that the ing cell division. Each chromosome
is copied and thus divides into two.
enzymes facilitating the production
The figure shows two sister chro-
of DNA and the regulation of its matids just before they separate. At
the last stage of division, the chro-
structure are all encoded within the mosomes move in opposite direc-
DNA itself. In fact, they are proteins tions along the microtubules to
which they are bound.
synthesized under the DNA's com-
mand and control. This system is so amazingly intricate that it's
absolutely impossible for it to have arisen by a series of coincidental
steps. Because in order for the enzyme to exist, the DNA must exist,
but in order for the DNA to exist, so must the enzymes. And for both
of them to exist, the cell must exist in its entirety, from the cell mem-
brane inward to all its complex organelles.
The theory of evolution proposes that organisms developed
"step by step" as a result of "beneficial coincidences." But this DNA-
enzyme paradox absolutely refutes it, since both the DNA and the
enzymes must be in existence at the same time. This is blatant evi-
dence of God's existence.