Page 84 - The Winter of Islam and the Spring to Come
P. 84


          A PHOTOGRAPH
          FROM THE

          The Israelis carry
          out their killings
          before the eyes
          of the world.

                    The conditions faced by the Palestinians in the refugee camps and
               the regions under Israeli occupation are particularly unpleasant. These
               people have difficulties in meeting even their most basic human needs.
               They can enjoy electricity and water only to the extent that the state of
               Israel gives permission, and have to walk miles to poorly paid jobs in
               order to make a living. Even journeys of just 10-15 minutes, to go to
               work or visit relatives in a nearby refugee camp, are not easy for a
               Palestinian. They are subjected to identity checks at frequent intervals
               along the road, and to verbal and physical abuse. Sometime Israeli sol-
               diers close roads for "security" reasons, and Palestinians are then un-
               able to go to work, or anywhere, not even to hospital if they are ill.
                    As well as all this, they survive every day with the constant fear of

               being killed, injured or detained. That is because the people living in
               the camps are frequently subjected to armed attacks by some fanatical
               Jews particularly during the night.
                    In his book The Israeli Connection, Benjamin Beit Hallahmi, a pro-
               fessor of psychology at Israel's Haifa University, describes the situation
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