Page 86 - The Winter of Islam and the Spring to Come
P. 86
… passing many damaged remnants of the civil war and the Israeli
invasion all along our route. I expected that we would have to stop
at some gate signifying the entrance to the camp when we reached
it, but I saw nothing of the sort. I didn't need to: the contrast be-
tween the camp and the surrounding area (which was not the
nicest part of town in the first place) was so striking that there
could be no mistaking it. There were piles upon piles of trash, junk,
and stones lining both sides of the road… Crowded shops line the
street now, but in the distance behind them reminders remain:
those bullet-hole-ridden, gunpowder-stained buildings… and a
graveyard for which (we were told) the camp inhabitants were not
allowed to build any memorials or even tombstones. 13
Persecution of the Civilian Population
Some circles that enjoy influence within the Israeli administration,
have implemented a systematic state terror toward the Palestine people
since the beginning. Naturally, the main targets of that terror are the
Muslims living in the region. For half a century now, Palestinian
Muslims have been ejected from their homes with no justification even
being offered, and have been shot and attacked, have seen their homes
The defenseless, including young Palestinians no more
than children were often shot at.