Page 87 - The Winter of Islam and the Spring to Come
P. 87
Age distrubution of Number % Wound Number %
those killed Sites
Head and neck
under 15 60 14.9 (including 9 people 154 41.8
shot from behind)
Chest (including 12
16-18 75 18.7 people shot from be- 117 31.8
19-29 176 43.8 Stomach 32 8.7
30-39 50 12.4 General entire body 61 16.6
40-49 18 4.5 Arm 4 1.1
A chart showing the numbers of people killed in the al-
over 50 23 5.7 Aqsa Intifada, and where they were hit. It shows that
the children and the young in particular were targeted
and shot in the head and chest to be sure of killing
demolished and their fields and gardens torn up, and been subjected to
torture and violence. What is going on in Palestinian lands reveals that
there is a terrible oppression and harshness prevailing within the coun-
Very few of the attacks on and bombings of women, young people
and children in Palestine are reported by the world media.
In Palestine, 70% of whose population consists of young people,
children have experienced exile, detentions, imprisonment and slaugh-
ter ever since the occupation in 1948. They have been treated as second-
class citizens in their own land, and learned to survive, even under the
most intolerable conditions. Half of those who lost their lives in the
Intifada which started with Ariel Sharon's provocative visit to the
Dome of the Rock in October 2000 were under age 16. Sixty percent of
those injured were less than 18. At least five children a day still die in
those regions where the conflict continues, and more than 10 are in-
Journalist-writer Ruth Anderson described the inhuman images
from the Aksa Intifada in The Palestine Chronicle, published in Palestine: