Page 110 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 110
The Origin of Life and the Universe
7.. 3 the following years, and especially new findings
obtained in the 20 century, revealed that
5 + 9 the theory was clearly wrong. But despite the
theory's scientific weakness, its providing a
4 / 3 basis for materialist and atheist thought led
to its immediate adoption by one part of the
scientific world.
At the time when Darwin proposed his the- Certain circles began to apply the theory
ory, science was still rather backward in many of evolution to the social sphere, on account
respects. The electron microscope had not of the ideological messages it contained. It
yet been invented, for which reason the took its place at the root of such 20 -century
minute details of living organisms were unseen. disasters as genocide, mass slaughter, civil
The cell still resembled a simple blot, and no wars in which brother slew brother, and world
one knew that it possessed a structure no wars that ruined nations. Religious moral va-
less complex than that of a city, made up of a lues and the virtues they bring with them,
great many different organelles. There was were abandoned in favor of the law of the
no science of genetics; the biological laws of jungle in which the weaker are oppressed
inheritance remained to be discovered. Many and eliminated. This theory, devoid of any
biologists and scientists, including Darwin scientific validity, influenced an entire cen-
himself, were sufficiently ignorant as to believe tury.
that “acquired” characteristics could be passed One of Social Darwinists' major errors was
their attempt to implement
that theory to the social are-
Another of their errors
was to assume that laws
applying to animals also
applied to human beings
whom God has created with
conscience, reason, cons-
ciousness and the ability to
make judgments. Therefore,
The primitive microscopes of Darwin's time gave the impression
that the cell was merely a simple structure of undifferentiated pro- contrary to what Social Dar-
toplasm. On the other hand, modern day microscopes have winists claim, the laws of
shown how complex and flawless the structure of the cell truly is. the jungle do not apply to
human beings, every one of whom is respon-
on to subsequent generations. For example, sible for using his abilities as best as he can
they believed that if a blacksmith developed throughout his life. God has also created hu-
powerful muscles because of his work, his man beings with a finite life span. When it
sons would have equally strong muscles. comes to an end, all individuals will die, and
In that primitive scientific climate, Darwin will then be resurrected to account for all
developed his theory. Neither Darwin nor any their behavior during their life of this world.
who supported him was able to submit evi- In nature, living things may die or become
dence for the theory of evolution from such extinct when they cannot adapt to the prevailing
branches of science as paleontology, bio- conditions. For example, a dark-haired rabbit
logy or anatomy. Moreover, observa- in a snow-covered forest may soon fall prey
tions and experiments performed in