Page 111 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 111

The Origin of Life and the Universe

            to a fox who can see it clearly. Yet, contrary  the world's population—some half a billion
            to what Darwinists would have us believe,  people, a very large number—are handicap-
            dead dark-haired rabbits don't give rise to  ped. That would mean that everyone would
            the emergence of a new lighter-haired species.  lose someone from his family or circle of ac-
            Furthermore, animals are very different from  quaintances, and will have acquiesced in
            human beings, who do not have to adapt to  their deaths. This will open spiritual wounds
            natural conditions in order to live. We possess  that wreak great harm on people's psycholo-
            the means to change our surroundings in  gical well-being. In any society where a
            accordance with our needs and wishes. For  mother cannot trust her children, children
            instance, we adapt our buildings, heating  their mother, or brothers each other, where
            and cooling systems and clothing according  one can allow another to be killed at any
            to the climate where we live. There is no na-  time, there will be severe degeneration and
            tural selection in human societies, because  depression. In any case, a society that kills
            human beings' reason and abilities prevent  people just because they are handicapped
            such elimination.                 is undergoing a devastating moral collapse.
              Such errors lead Social Darwinists to look  It must already have lost all spiritual values,
            at societies from an inhuman perspective.  all humanity. Without doubt, to claim progress
            An important example of that perspective,  by means of murder indicates very serious
            so devoid of reason and conscience, is how  mental and psychological problems.
            they thought that societies could progress  The greatest suffering will be experienced
            by abandoning the weak and needy, the po-  by those condemned to “elimination,” and
            werless and handicapped to their own devices.  that suffering will give rise to deep wounds
            The fact is that such a selfish refusal brings  in the consciences of others.
            with it decline, not progress. Those whom  Social Darwinism sought, to apply to so-
            Darwinism maintains should be neglected  cieties the theory of evolution—itself based
            and left uncared for are conscious human  on Charles Darwin's rather backward scientific
            beings, able to think and reason. When aban-  understanding—but its world view is in total
            doned to injustice and cruelty, unless they  conflict with human nature. When put into
            possess the virtues of patience, forgiveness  practice, it belittles humanity and drags it
            and understanding imparted by religious  back towards depression and chaos, bringing
            moral values, they may feel great anger and  hatred that leads to conflict, warfare, and
            hatred for those who inflict such treatment  murder.
            on them. To assuage that anger, as many  Social Darwinism reached its peak during
            recent examples have shown, they may then  the second half of the 19 century and the
            resort to violence, which can then give rise  first half of the 20 , but its adverse effects
            to conflict and chaos. As a result of all the  can still be seen in the present day. Under
            material and spiritual means expended to  such names as “evolutionary psychology”
            resolve those conflicts, there will be a decline  and “genetic determinism,” attempts are still
            in all spheres—from art to technology, from  being made to evaluate societies according
            the economy to science—rather than prog-  to the errors of Darwinism. In order to protect
            ress.                             the 21 century from further catastrophes,
              Furthermore, killing the sick or handicapped  the dangers of Social Darwinism must be re-
            in the name of eugenics, is not only terribly  vealed in all their aspects, and the world
            brutal, but also contributes nothing whatsoever  must be told that there is no scientific evidence
            to social progress. Such an open acceptance  for the theory on which this philosophy is ba-
            of murder will bring enormous losses that  sed.
            will spell ruin for society. Today, some 6% of

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