Page 113 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 113

The Origin of Life and the Universe


                The joint opinion of the speakers and scientists, academicians,
            university students, artists, politicians and representatives of non-govern-
            mental organizations who have participated in the conference is to revise
            the curriculum in its entirety beginning from elementary education.  Evo-
            lutionary claims should not be presented as scientific facts and this one-
            sided education should be brought to an end by introducing the scientific
            proofs for Creation in the school curricula.
                It must be explained to our youth that the theory of evolution is
            obsolete and this theory that lies 150 years in the past is particularly
            introduced under the pretext of science to distance people from the values
            of religion, although it no longer has any scientific validity in the light of
            today’s scientific findings.
                Our proposal is: In those parts of textbooks where evolutionary
            theory is given as an explanation to origin of life, the scientific proofs that
            refute evolutionary claims (that will be summarized below) should be
            included along with the scientific evidence for the fact of Creation that
            rebuts evolution theory. There is an important requirement to provide for
            scientific facts besides evolutionary claims. This is the only way in which
            students will not be misdirected and it will allow them to make objective
            decisions based on the scientific truths displayed for them. For that
            reason, there is definitely a need for changing the school curricula to
            present these scientific facts. Today, our children have no access to such
            truths of science in the educational system, and thus they are subjected to
            a biased education.
                It is possible to give an outline of the scientific impasses of the evolu-
            tionary theory as below: The theory of evolution cannot give an explanation
            as to how inanimate molecules attained life. It cannot give an account to
            how the first protein came into existence.

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