Page 36 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 36
The Origin of Life and the Universe
Dr. Anjeanette AJ Roberts's presentation:
"Un-Equivocating Evolution"
I too would like to thank the organi-
zation of Technics & Science Research for
inviting us to Turkey. I’ve thoroughly
enjoyed my visit to Turkey and it is obvious
to me that Turkey’s greatest resource is her
people. And so we pray often for your
peace and for your welfare especially in
light of recent events.
So, perhaps you’ve heard this statement,
I was once asked if I believe this statement
is true. ‘There is more evidence for evolution
than there is that the Earth revolves around
the Sun’. Well, it might be true. It depends
on what you mean by the word evolution.
And that’s what the rest of my talk is about.
Evolution is a word that is often equivocated. Equivocation is a
process that depends on the word having more than one meaning. It
involves using a word in a context where the meaning is glossed over in
order to make a faulty assertion and to make it more defensible. In equiv-
ocating you're assuming one meaning but actually using the word in a
different context. This is often what happens with the word evolution.
Someone makes a statement like this. Is it true? Well, it can be. But it may
also be false. It is critical by what you mean by evolution. The word
evolution, we're going to spend the next several minutes un-equivocating
this word. Trying to bring some clarity to whether or not this statement
might be true. The word is used in different contexts. Actually in reference
to five different categories of different types of naturalistic processes that
are dependent on different underlying mechanisms to work.