Page 39 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 39
The Origin of Life and the Universe
1 have now seen that the time for such
deception has passed. Not only do people
0 ) now know that a single protein is far too
complex ever to come into being spon-
6 3 -
taneously, they are also aware that
neither a protein, DNA, RNA or any
Darwinists can write as many deceptive other minute component of the cell -699
books jam packed with formulae, produce 8 2$ 75 1021:8 65 4 7/8 5,
as many false fossils as they like, make : 4 99 78 7 -4:9 *
as many demagogic assaults on the sci- This fact is of great importance in terms
entific evidence for Creation as they of the defeat of Darwinism:
choose or stick posters up full of fantas-
tical illustrations and present these as - DNA is essential for a single protein to
exhibitions of evolution all over the place, form
but none of this will ever change the fact - DNA cannot form without protein
of their fundamental defeat. Because - Protein cannot form without DNA
the worst nightmare for Darwinists is - Protein cannot form in the absence of
the very beginning of life. Darwinists protein
47$ 5: / 5 7/9 : 12: 0 - Sixty separate proteins are needed for
7 865(9 19757 6:N of how just a single protein to form
one protein came into being. This is an - Protein cannot form in the absence of
expression of the despairing situation any one of these
into which, Dawkins, Futuyma, Tim White - Protein cannot form with no ribosome
and all other Darwinists now find them- - Protein cannot form with no RNA
selves. None of this demagoguery can - Protein cannot form without ATP
resolve this great and stupendous rout - Protein cannot form without the
in the face of a single protein. 7 865(9 mitochondria to manufacture ATP
12: 65 478 : 799 :9684 - Protein cannot form without the cell
72-6568 * nucleus
One important feature of Darwinist de- - Protein cannot form without the
magoguery is that Darwinists always cytoplasm
tended to reduce the question of the - Protein cannot form in the absence of
origin of life to the very simple, despite a single organelle in the cell
all the complexity of life, by portraying - And proteins are necessary for all the
everything within it as very simple. That organelles in the cell to exist and function
is the reason for such myths as “the cell - There can be no protein without these
emerged from muddy water” and “DNA organelles.
spontaneously began replicating itself.” This is an interconnected system that
Darwinists imagined it would be easier has to function simultaneously. You can-
to deceive people in this way. But they not have one part without the other.