Page 43 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 43
The Origin of Life and the Universe
enough. You’re left now with just parts of the car. You still need information
on how the car systems interact in order to generate locomotion, in order
to generate combustion. And so you have to have system level information
in order to put the parts together in the right way, in order to get an
automobile that you can drive. But even this, I think is a poor analogy for
trying to express the complexity within a human cell, within a living cell.
A better analogy would be, if someone was able to account for all of the
functional inner actions all of the pieces, all of the mechanisms that are
involved as something complex as the city of Istanbul.
The forth hurdle which I will not spend any time on since I have four
more topics to talk about is that life on earth occurred very early. And the
life that occurred on earth, occurred almost as soon as life could be
sustained on earth. And it occurred in a highly complex and diversified
manner. This challenges, as Fazale addressed in his talk, and I have
mentioned so far in my talk, leads many scientists who are committed to
a naturalistic paradigm, to appeal to something called panspermia.
Panspermia is a hypothesis that the biogenic molecules are perhaps even
life itself did not originate on earth. But it originated somewhere else in
the universe. And then it was transmitted to earth either through natural
things like comets or meteorites or perhaps through advanced species.
But Panspermia does not actually account for the naturalistic origin of
life. It just displaces the problem to some unknown place in the universe
where the biochemical and physical and chemical laws would be the
same, and where the challenges are producing life from non-life have not
changed. They’ve just been moved to a different location. So panspermia
is not a solution to the problem of the origin of life and in conclusion we
must reach this: the chemical evolution is not a logical conclusion based
on scientific evidence for the origin of life on earth. It is only a naturalistic
appeal to account for what we see.
So the second category is microevolution. Microevolution is the
process of accruing unguided changes or mutations in the DNA sequence.
The mechanism and the characteristics of microevolution are two-fold:
they are unguided or random and they occur through natural selection.