Page 47 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 47

The Origin of Life and the Universe

            replicate having gained new genetic information from the virus. A third
            mechanism the bacteria or single cell organisms can use to exchange genetic
            information is one called transduction or sometimes transformation. And
            this occurs when a bacteria dies or it is lysed, it releases genetic information
            into the environment. At such a time it’s possible for other bacteria to come
            and contact with the genetic information and take it up into itself, acquiring
            new genetic information from the bacteria that had just lysed.
                So whether it’s through horizontal gene transfer or micro-evolutionary
            mutations transfer of genetic material again is unguided and non teleological,
            and can be deleterious or beneficial or neutral. But it should be obvious that
            once the genetic information is taken up into a bacteria, then it can quickly
            spread throughout the population of subsequent progeny. Because it’s a
            single cell organism. So all the mutations that occur in a single cell are then
            reproduced in all of the progeny that result from that cell. So this mechanism
            is a very powerful mechanism that allows bacteria and single cell organisms
            to survive and thrive in changing environments.
                This brings us now to our forth category which is speciation. And
            much like the word evolution which we’re in the process of trying to un-
            equivocate, species is an other world that is often equivocated, used in
            many different terms and meanings under different conditions. It actually
            has a name. It’s called the species problem. And the species problem results
            from a wide range of approaches in defining how species are identified and
            in how species function in nature. And each approach for trying to identify
            how species function and how they’re identified within themselves is known
            as a species concept. And currently, there are at least twenty six different
            recognized species concepts. That’s phenomenal. But the important point is
            that you must be very careful to know what the other person is talking
            about when they are going to use the word species, especially in the context
            of this topic of speciation.
                So speciation refers to the process in which a given species becomes
            genetically, phenotypically, and by appearance, behaviorally distinct species,
            typically do to geographical isolation, that results in reproductively
            independent groups. During speciation, radiation events occur when a
            single starting species is split into various ecological niches where they
            encounter variable environmental pressures.

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