Page 52 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 52

The Origin of Life and the Universe
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                                               The last category is that of macro-
                                           evolution. And be very careful here
                                           because this is where equivocation
                                           takes place most often. Macroevolution
                                           refers to a series of naturalistic process-
                                           es. It’s occurring over long stretches
                                           of time, that account for all of life’s
                                           history, forms, and complexity resulting
                                           from descent with modification under
                                           pressures of natural selection, acting
                                           upon unguided changes in population
                                           genetics, in a contingent and non-
                                           teleological fashion. It is supposed
                                           that macroevolution involves multiple
                                           different mechanisms for achieving
                                           its end goals.
                                               One mechanism is that of genome
                                           duplication. But genome duplication
            is simply replicating a genome that you already have, you now have twice as
            much that genome. And it provides no new information, just greater amounts
            of DNA. In current observation, genome duplication in human cells is most
            frequently associated with cancer. And so this type of genetic increase in in-
            formation is actually deleterious. Similarly with translocation or jumping
            genes for some segments of DNA can be transferred and copied into new po-
            sitions in the chromosome or different positions in the genome, this type of
            mechanism can shuffle DNA, information within a genome and replicate
            some portions of the DNA, it’s not providing new DNA. And in current ob-
            servations these two is associated with human diseases.
                Horizontal gene transfer, although it occurs by viral mediated mecha-
            nisms, it is not the same as that occurs in single cellular organisms. For
            horizontal gene transfer, to even take a hold in a human population, it ab-
            solutely must occur in the germ line, in the egg of the female or the sperm
            of the male. Two other mechanisms, co-option or symbiogenesis are often
               appealed to as well, to account for some of the diversity. But each of
                these has its own hurdle.
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