Page 56 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 56

The Origin of Life and the Universe

                Generation of new organisms by these mechanisms is not evident
            today. It is rather an appeal to a sketchy, if not well-imagined, extrapolation
            of observed complex interdependence of symbiotic organisms to account
            for large-scale naturalistic changes in life's history. Although many
            mechanisms are appealed to for macroevolution, no plausible account has
            yet rationally and reasonably described the “muddy middle layer of
                No credible mechanism or explanation has been offered for generating
            true novelty. No account can be given for the rapid appearance of most
            known phyla and fossils that occurred 540 million years ago in the Cambrian
            explosion. No true transitional species has ever been identified in the fossil
            record or through phylogenetic analysis. And no genetic map exists showing
            a clear Darwinian pathway from one order, kingdom, phyla, class or order
            to another.
                So what do we do with the evidence? I believe the evidence concludes
            that we must reject chemical evolution and macroevolution as not being
            well evidenced in scientific data. Each of us knowingly or unknowingly in-
            terprets the data in a way that fits into our view of reality. Molecular
            adaptation I think is a better phrase or perhaps even molecular variation to
            take the place of the word evolution in our opening statement. I think it’s
            better to rephrase “There is more evidence for a molecular based adaptation
            or variation of highly complex and wildly diverse organisms than there is that
            the Earth revolves around the Sun”.
                But I think that this view supports the view of progressive creationism:
            that God created life over long apex of time, according to specific kinds.
            And God endowed his creatures with the ability to adapt to challenging
            and changing environments for their continued survival. So progressive
            creationism is a reasonable and rational conclusion, concordant with the
            data, accounting for the diversity and early appearance of complex life. And
            it also accounts for the fine-tuning and intelligibility of the universe, which
            my colleague Dr. Zweerink will talk about this afternoon.
                As a first century follower of Jesus puts it, "For ever since the world was
            created, people have seen the Earth and sky. Through everything God made,
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