Page 51 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 51

The Origin of Life and the Universe

            within snails. More recently, red and eastern wolves, which are geographically,
            phenotypically, and behaviorally distinct canids have been examined at a
            genomic level. These canids are actually protected as endangered species
            in the US and in Canada. But at the genomic level, what they’ve discovered
            is that these different species are really just genetic hybrids of coyotes and
            grey wolves.
                This new data is actually threatening their protected classification
            and status as endangered species and it highlights the species problem in
            regard to evolution. Much like selective breeding in dogs, wolves, coyotes
            seem to be the result of variations over time within an ongoing species-ra-
            diation event. No doubt populations are now isolated certainly by behavioral
            and geographic constraints, but the various "species" may not actually be
            isolated in the sense that they can no longer cross breed. So recent
            research also shows a connection of species within an ecological web. But
            yet even these examples, contrary to what papers claim, has no significance
            to macroevolution the change in a particular species into a different kind
            or different taxonomical classification.
                And even if we, like the North American wolf study shows choose to
            call species something entirely different like wolves, coyotes or dogs it
            doesn’t mean that one kind, a canid is giving rise to something other than
            a canid. Finches remained finches, snails remained snails, plants, flies and
            wasps although they’re changing and co-adapting together, remained
            plants, flies and wasps.
                Finally, if we consider the speciation in the context of humanity and
            what we believe as Christians, that there was a primordial human pair
            Adam and Eve, that were created in God’s image according to Torah: In
            His image, He created them male and female. If you believe the scientific
            data that dates mitochondrial Eve, and Y-chromosomal Adam to one
            hundred and fifty thousand years ago, then all of the diversity that we see
            in the human population today, results from an ongoing speciation event
            in humanity. Consider the differences of the major races and ethnicities.
            Compare some of the island groups of Australia to Asia or Middle Eastern
            or European or Native American people. Or consider a dwarf and compare
            it to an extremely tall human being. Nevertheless, no matter our diversity
            is, we are all human. We are all homo sapien sapiens.

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