Page 49 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 49
The Origin of Life and the Universe
mating behavior. In other words, individuals belonging they mean by the theory of evolution, because the
to variations A and B regard each other as foreigners genetic variations that Darwinists insist on calling
by the other, and thus feel no inclination to mate "micro-evolution" are biological phenomena that
with others that they perceive as different—even everyone can observe and agree on. And no matter
though there is no genetic incompatibility to prevent how much evolutionists employ the term evolution in
it. In terms of genetic information, they all remain describing such phenomena, they actually have
members of the same species. (For this very reason, nothing to do with evolution at all. On the other
the concept of species remains a subject of debate hand, the macro-evolution claim, has no supporting
in biology.) evidence, either in biological observations or in the
2) The really important factor is that this speciation fossil record.
means a loss of genetic information, rather than an People lacking sufficient information on the subject
increase. The two variations have separated, but may well fall into the error of thinking with the as-
the reason for their division is not that either one has sumption that "Since micro-evolution takes place in
acquired any new genetic data. Neither variation a very short space of time, macro-evolution could
has acquired any proteins or new enzymes, much take place over tens of millions of years." Some
less a new organ. There is no development here. evolutionists fall into the exact same error or seek to
On the contrary, instead of a previous population make use of it to convince others of the truth of their
that contains different, possibly recessive, pieces of theory. All the so-called proofs of evolution proposed
genetic information (using our example, a population by Charles Darwin in The Origin of Species are of
with both long and short fur, and dark and light col- that kind, as are the examples put forward by later
oration), there are now two populations that is each evolutionists. In their examples, they seek to use as
relatively impoverished in terms of genetic data. evidence for their theory the genetic variety that
Therefore, nothing about speciation provides any they describe as micro-evolution but which actually
support for the theory of evolution. Because it claims has nothing at all to do with what they describe as
that all living species developed by chance, from the macro-evolution.
simple to the more complex, therefore, in order for Despite all this discussion of micro- and macro-
the theory of evolution to be taken seriously, it needs evolution and speciation, living things appeared on
to demonstrate mechanisms that can increase genetic Earth as types with their own different structures (as
information. The bifurcation of an existing species is confirmed by the fossil record). Different variations
because of a loss of genetic variation, obviously, a and subspecies may appear within them, thanks to
different phenomenon entirely. the richness of their gene pools. For example, there
Evolutionists actually admit this lack of relevance. are rabbits that exhibit variations such as white fur,
For that reason, evolutionists describe examples of grey fur, longer or shorter ears, and these variations
variations within a species, and speciation by division become more pronounced in a given environment,
into two populations (as you saw in the previous depending on which natural conditions support them
section) in their own way as micro-evolution—in the most appropriately. But species never turn into other
sense of variation within a species that already species. There is no natural mechanism that can
exists. However, the use of the word "evolution" in effect this, that can design new types and develop
the term is deliberately misleading, because no evo- the new organs, systems and body plans they
lutionary process is happening at all. The situation require. Every species has been created with its
consists of only various combinations and distributions own unique structures. And since God has created
of genetic information already existing in that species' every one of them with a potential for variety, a wide
gene pool. but finite variation often emerges within each type.
Then how did living types first emerge? How did
the five kingdoms—monera, protista, fungus, plant
and animal—emerge on Earth? How did the higher 1- Troy E. Wood, Loren H. Rieseberg, “Speciation: Introduction”, Encyclopedia of Life
Sciences, 1999.
categories—the phyla, classes, orders, families; and 2- J.A. Endler, “Conceptual and Other Problems in Speciation”, p. 625, D. Otte, J.A.
for that matter, such basic categories as mammals, Endler (editors), Speciation and Its Consequences, Sinauer Associates, Sunderland,
Massachusetts, 1989.
birds, vertebrates and crustaceans—first appear? 3- Prof. Dr. Ali Demirsoy, Yaşamın Temel Kuralları, vol. 1, November 1, 11th issue,
These are the questions that evolutionists need to Meteksan Yayınları, Ankara, 1998, p. 624.
4- M. Encarta Encyclopedia 2001 Deluxe Edition CD, “Spider (arthropod)”.
address. 5- Timothy A. Mousseau, Alexander E. Olvido, “Geographical Variation”, Encyclopedia
As already stated, evolutionists refer to these of Life Sciences, 2000.
6- D.H. Erwin, “Macroevolution is more than repeated rounds of microevolution”,
subjects as macro-evolution, which is actually what Evolution & Development, Vol. 2, 2000, p. 78-84.