Page 48 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 48

The Origin of Life and the Universe

               8.             .               to answer. It appears impossible in the present
                                              state of our knowledge to give a definition of the
                                              species that applies to all plant and animal
          Evolutionists maintain that the first single-celled  groups. 3
        organism emerged billions of years ago from inor-  Mention the word species, and most people will
        ganic substances, and that the glorious diversity  think of life forms such as dogs, horses, spiders,
        of life on Earth, emerged over the course of  dolphins, wheat or apples. However, biologists
        hundreds of millions of years. Note that according  define the concept of species in a rather different
        to the Darwinist claim, millions of species formed  way. In modern-day biology, a living species in the
        from one single species under the influence of  most general sense consists of a population of in-
        natural processes and coincidence. As this irrational  dividuals able to mate and reproduce with one an-
        and unscientific claim shows, the formation of  other. This definition divides life forms that we
        species—that is, speciation—represents the basis  generally speak of as if they were one single
        of the theory of evolution. It is particularly clear  species into a number of different ones. For
        that a claim not based on concrete evidence, ob-  example, some 34,000 species of spiders have
        servations and scientific research is of no value at  been described.
        all. Darwinism's claim that one species turned into  To better understand the evolution deception
        millions of other species is a huge one that requires  regarding speciation, we first need to define geo-
        countless amounts of evidence and findings. In  graphic isolation. Within any living species, there
        fact, though, there is not a single piece of scientific  will be differences stemming from genetic variation.
        evidence for evolutionists' claims regarding speci-  If geographical obstacles such as a mountain chain
        ation ever since the time of Darwin, evolutionists  or river arise between individuals of a species, and
        have produced a conceptual confusion and depict  if they become isolated from one another, then in
        variations as evidence for speciation.  all likelihood, within these two separated groups,
          First let's consider the concept of species to get  different variations will begin to dominate. Assume
        a better understanding of the evolutionist deception.  that in one group (variation A), darker skin and
        Descriptions have been produced by various experts  longer fur begin to predominate; and that another
        from different biological fields. As put by Troy  group (variation B) has shorter fur and lighter color.
        Wood and Loren Rieseberg of Indiana University,  The longer the two populations remain separated
        "Evolutionary biologists have proposed a diverse,  from one another, the sharper variations A and B
        almost innumerable list of species concepts…" 1  will become. Variations like these, with clear mor-
          Biologist John Endler explains the complication  phological differences despite their belonging to
        as follows:                         the same species, are known as subspecies.
          Species are "tools that are fashioned for char-  At this point, the speciation claim enters the pic-
          acterizing organic diversity" (Lewin,1979). Just  ture. Sometimes, after variations A and B have
          as there are a variety of chisels made for different  split away from one another due to geographic
          purposes, different species concepts are best  isolation and are brought back together again,
          for different purposes; and just as it is inadvisable  their members are unable to interbreed with one
          to use a carving chisel to cut a mortise, problems  another. Since they cannot mate, they cease being
          arise when one species concept is used when it  subspecies, according to the biological definition,
          is inappropriate. Confusion and controversy have  and become separate species. This is known as
          often resulted because different people working  speciation.
          with different groups of organisms mean different  Evolutionists take this concept and extrapolate
          things by "species." 2            it "Look! There is speciation in nature. In other
          Ali Demirsoy, one of Turkey's most prominent  words, new species emerge through natural mech-
        exponents of Darwinism, expresses the truth of  anisms. So all species must have come into being
        the matter this way:                in this same way."
          The question of by what bounds the species,  In fact, however, a serious deception is being
          the basic unit in the classification of plants and  perpetrated here, because important points are
          animals, should be separated from other  being overlooked or ignored:
           species—in other words, "Species Defini-  1) Variations A and B, after being isolated from
             tion"— is one of the most difficult for biology  one another, may be unable to mate when reunited
                                            again. Yet this phenomenon generally stems from
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