Page 53 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 53

The Origin of Life and the Universe

                                              biologists describe as micro-evolution actually
                                              have nothing whatsoever to do with the theory of
                                              evolution. That's because the theory of evolution
                                              maintains that living things can acquire new
                                              genetic information through the mechanisms of
           Variation does not constitute evidence for evo-
                                              mutation and natural selection. But as we have
         lution because variations are but the outcomes
                                              already seen, variations can never give rise to
         of different combinations of already existing genetic
                                              any new genetic information and therefore, cannot
         information and they do not add any new charac-
                                              lead to evolution. Referring to variations as
         teristic to the genetic information. The science of
                                              micro-evolution reflects an ideological preference
         genetics has revealed that the variations that
                                              on the part of evolutionist biologists.
         Darwin imagined accounted for the origin of
                                               The variations that Darwinists deliberately refer
         species in fact bear no such significance.
                                              to as micro-evolution are a simple biological phe-
           Therefore, evolutionist biologists have been
                                              nomenon, examples of which we encounter fre-
         forced to distinguish between variation within
                                              quently in daily life. Think of all the varieties of
         species and the formation of new species, and to
                                              cats, dogs, apples, tomatoes, plants and animals
         advance two separate concepts regarding them.
                                              you have ever seen. Macro-evolution, on the
         Up to their claims, they gave the name micro-
                                              other hand, refers to major changes such as that
         evolution to variation within species, and defined
                                              of a dinosaur into a bird, or a bear into a whale.
         the formation of entirely new species as macro-
                                              In other words, there is no difference between
                                              the claims of macro-evolution and fairy tales in
           The concept of macro-evolution was first used
                                              which a frog transforms into a prince.
         in 1927 by the Russian biologist Juri'i Filipchenko. 1
                                               By using the concept of macro-evolution, evo-
         The idea that micro-evolution could be used as
                                              lutionist biologists seek to give the impression
         evidence for macro-evolution was proposed by a
                                              that is variations can give rise to brand new living
         student of Filipchenko's, Theodosius Dobzhansky,
                                              species—and even genera—over the course of
         in the 1930s. In his book Genetics and The Origin
                                              time. Indeed, many people who lack a sound
         of Species, one of the basic texts of Darwinism,
                                              knowledge of the subject are taken in by the su-
         Dobzhansky suggested that the mechanisms of
                                              perficial idea that micro-evolution can become
         micro- and macro-evolution were the one and
                                              macro-evolution in the long term. One can see
         the same. This view received wide acceptance
                                              many examples of this thinking. Some amateur
         from evolutionist circles and has survived down
                                              evolutionists suggest that since the average height
         to the present day. Richard Goldschmidt, a Berke-
                                              of human beings has increased by 2 centimeters
         ley University geneticist during those years, ex-
                                              (0.78 of an inch) over just the last century, that
         pressed the erroneous nature of this view:
                                              means that all kinds of evolution can occur over
           "The facts of microevolution do not suffice for an
                                              millions of years. But the fact is, as we have
           understanding of macroevolution." 3
                                              already seen, all variations such as increases in
           In fact, what Goldschmidt referred to as micro-
                                              stature take place within specific genetic bounds
         evolution was nothing more than variations within
                                              and have nothing to do with evolution.
                                               We frequently see examples of biological vari-
           These two concepts have long appeared in bi-
                                              ations in our daily lives. All such instances of
         ology textbooks, where a deceptive style is often
                                              variations are simply fluctuations that occur within
         used. The examples of variation that evolutionist
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