Page 44 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 44

The Origin of Life and the Universe

            These two elements, unguided and natural selection are the hallmarks of
            Darwinian or Neo-Darwinian evolution. The mutations themselves occur
            due to different types of stress that are encountered by the organism. Such
            as UV radiation, hormone responses to stress or heat. And as a result the
            DNA can become damaged, it can break. But repair mechanisms exist
            within the cell, they can repair and rejoin the double stranded DNA ends.
            Mutations can then occur either through damage done to the DNA or
            through the repair mechanism itself. Unguided mutations in the nucleic
            acid sequence can also occur when the DNA is replicated by the polymerase
            protein. As it copies the nucleic acid sequence sometimes it makes
            mistakes. And it has the ability to actually correct mistakes but it is not
            100% accurate in correcting mistakes. So it still makes a mistake about
            one in every ten million base pairs. So mutations can result from damaged
            or broken DNA, repair of DNA, or replication of DNA.
                The main point is that according to evolutionist claims: mutations
            create variability and when there is variability, selection can occur through
            natural processes. This means when a mutation occurs that allows an or-
            ganism to survive and thrive in a given environment then that organism
            will survive and thrive. If on the other hand it is a deleterious mutation,
                then the organism will not survive nor thrive.
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