Page 41 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 41
The Origin of Life and the Universe
This makes it very difficult to synthesize RNA or DNA because of steric
inhibition and chain termination. Yet biological processes those that occur
inside the cell in stark contrast, produce only left-handed amino acids and
only right-handed sugars for RNA and DNA syntheses. This is a challenge
for the naturalistic explanations of the origin of life. And I think it points
to a Mind behind the molecules that we find in cellular processes. So all
life in summary has only right handed sugars and only left handed amino
acids. And yet there is no known naturally occurring mechanism for gen-
erating, or selecting, or stably maintaining a solution of only one or other
A third hurdle is the naturalistic account, for the origin of life, is one
of information, which again my colleague Fazale Rana has spoken to you
at length in his thirty minutes. The DNA as he described is the molecular
blueprint for all genes and all gene regulations, and by RNA intermediance
for all proteins that are produced inside the cell. The information that is
stored in the DNA molecule is one that is often appealed to as indicating
an Intelligent Designer. And many argue that it requires an Intelligent
Designer or God to produce this type of information. But it is not the in-
formation that is most difficult to explain within the cell. There is also in-
formation at the system level, which Doctor Rana also referred to. How
do the cells orient different proteins in different cellular subsystems that
accomplish different molecular processes? Or where does the information
come for structuring these things in the right orientation and also for
making them work in concert together, in a way that is highly complex in-
tegrated and almost orchestrated like a symphony. It’s not enough to just
account for the information in DNA but it’s necessary to account for this
higher level subsystem metabolic process information as well.
Maybe it would help if I gave you an analogy. So if you think about
trying to build a car from the ground up, you need all of the parts of the
car. And each one whether it’s the plastic parts or the rubber parts or the
metal parts or the gasoline, requires information on how to produce those
parts. But it also requires mechanisms to produce those parts not just the
information. Okay so, now you need information for the mechanisms,
you need information for the production of parts but that’s still not