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            78. Principia, Newton, 2nd edition; J. De Vries,  100. Henry M. Morris, Men of Science Men of
               Essentials of Physical Science, B. Eerdmans  God, Master Books, 1992, S. 38-39
               Pub.Co., Grand Rapids, SD, 1958, S. 15  101. Henry M. Morris, Men of Science Men of
            79. bulis/  God, Master Books, 1992, S. 53
            80. bulis/  102. Dan Graves, Scientists of Faith, Kregel
            81. Dan Graves, Scientists of Faith, Kregel  Resources, 1996, S. 111
               Resources, 1996, S. 26          103. Henry M. Morris, Men of Science Men of
            82. "Great Aviation Quotes,"  God, Master Books, 1992, S. 47
       104. Henry M. Morris, Men of Science Men of
            83. Michael Bumbulis, Christianity and The  God, Master Books, 1992, S. 49
               Birth of Science, http://www.ldol-  105. histo-
            84. First Book of Francis Bacon of the  106. Dan Graves, Scientists of Faith, Kregel
               Proficience and Advancement of Learning  Resources, 1996, S. 133
               Divine and Human                107.  schae-
            85.  fer/docs/scientists.html
               science4.htm                    108. Henry M. Morris, Men of Science Men of
            86.  God, Master Books, 1992, S. 59
               sciences/enlightened_belief_ history.htm  109. Dan Graves, Scientists of Faith, Kregel
            87. Henry M. Morris, Men of Science Men of  Resources, 1996, S. 143
               God, Master Books, 1992, S.13   110.  http://www.archimedesfoundation.
            88. Johannes Kepler, quoted in: J.H. Tiner,  org/quotes.html
               Johannes Kepler-Giant of Faith and Science  111. Jean Guitton, Dieu et La Science: Vers Le
               (Milford, Michigan: Mott Media, 1977), S.  Métaréalisme, Paris: Grasset, 1991, S. 5
               197                             112.  schae-
            89. Harmonice Mundi (Harmonies of the  fer/docs/scientists.html
               World), Johannes Kepler Gesammelte  113. Henry M. Morris, Men of Science Men of
               Werke, Munich, 1937, Band 6, S. 363  God, Master Books, 1992, S. 66
            90. Dan Graves, Scientists of Faith, Kregel  114.  schae-
               Resources, 1996, S. 51             fer/docs/scientists.html
            91. Dan Graves, Scientists of Faith, Kregel  115. Dan Graves, Scientists of Faith, Kregel
               Resources, 1996, S. 57             Resources, 1996, S. 153
            92. Henry M. Morris, Men of Science Men of  116. Henry M. Morris, Men of Science Men of
               God, Master Books, 1992, S. 18     God, Master Books, 1992, S. 79
            93. Dan Graves, Scientists of Faith, Kregel  117. Gene Adair, George Washington Carver, S.
               Resources, 1996, S. 66             82, 83
            94. Dan Graves, Scientists of Faith, Kregel  118. Sir James Jeans, in his Rede Lecture at
               Resources, 1996, S. 63             Cambridge, reported in the Times,
            95. John Marks Templeton, Evidence of  London, November 5, 1930
               Purpose - Scientists Discover the Creator,  119. Sir James Jeans, The Mysterious Universe,
               Continuum, New York 1994, S. 50    New  York: Macmillan Co., 1932/
            96. Dan Graves, Scientists of Faith, Kregel  Cambridge, England: University Press,
               Resources, 1996, S. 70             1932, S. 140.
            97. Sir Isaac Newton, Mathematical Principles  120. Science, Philosophy and Religion,  A
               of Natural Philosophy, Translated by  Symposium, published by the Conference
               Andrew Motte, Revised by Florian Cajore,  on Science, Philosophy and Religion in
               Great Books of the Western World 34,  Their Relation to the Democratic Way of
               Robert Maynard Hutchins, Editor in chief,  Life, Inc., New York, 1941
               William Benton, Chicago, 1952: 273-74  121. Quoted in Moszkowski, Conversations
            98. Henry M. Morris, Men of Science Men of  with Einstein, S. 46
               God, Master Books, 1992, S. 31  122. Letter to a child who asked if scientists
            99. William Paley, Natural Theology; or,  pray, Januar 24, 1936; Einstein Archive 42-
               Evidences of the Existence and Attributes  601
               of the Deity Collected from the  123. Dan Graves, Scientists of Faith, Kregel
               Appearances of Nature [Edinburgh, 1816],  Resources, 1996, S. 159
               Kapitel 5, section 5, S. 61     124. Henry M. Morris, Men of Science Men of

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