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                 God, Master Books, 1992, S. 85     ternational conference, named "The
              125. Dennis R. Petersen, Unlocking the  Collapse of the Theory of Evolution: The
                 Mysteries of Creation, Creation Resource  Fact of Creation", organized by the Science
                 Foundation: El Dorado, California, 1990, S.  Research Foundation on Juli 5, 1998 in
                 63                                 Istanbul, Turkey.
              126. "God and Science," Jacques Maritain  145. Edward Boudreaux, taken from his lecture
                 C    e    n    t    e    r    ,    titled "The Design in Chemistry", delivered
         at the second international conference, na-
                 ain/jm2404.htm                     med "The Collapse of the Theory of
              127. Max Planck, Where Is Science Going?,  Evolution: The Fact of Creation", organized
                 Allen & Unwin, 1933, S. 214        by the Science Research Foundation on
              128. Charles Coulson, Science and Christian  July 5, 1998 in Istanbul, Turkey.
                 Belief, S. 72                   146. Kenneth Cumming, taken from his lecture
              129. US News & World Report, Dezember 23,  delivered at the first international confe-
                 1991                               rence, named "The Collapse of the Theory
              130. Taskin Tuna, Sonsuz Uzaylar (Eternal  of Evolution: The Fact of Creation", organi-
                 Spaces), S. 31                     zed by the Science Research Foundation on
              131. John Clover Monsma, The Evidence of  April 4, 1998 in Istanbul, Turkey.
                 God in an Expanding Universe, S. 182-183  147. Carl Fliermans, taken from his lecture de-
              132.  schae-  livered at the second international confe-
                 fer/docs/scientists.html           rence, named "The Collapse of the Theory
              133. John Clover Monsma, The Evidence of  of Evolution: The Fact of Creation", organi-
                 God in an Expanding Universe, S. 191  zed by the Science Research Foundation on
              134. William Dembski, The Act of Creation,  July 5, 1998 in Istanbul, Turkey.
                 Bridging Transcendence and Immanence,  148. David Menton, taken from his lecture deli-
                 presented at Millstatt Forum, Strasbourg,  vered at the second international conferen-
                 France, 10 August 1998             ce, named "The Collapse of the Theory of
              135. Stephen C. Meyer, taken from his lecture  Evolution: The Fact of Creation", organized
                 titled "The Explanatory Power of Design:  by the Science Research Foundation on
                 DNA and the Origin of Information", deli-  July 5, 1998 in Istanbul, Turkey.
                 vered at "Mere Creation: Reclaiming the  149. John Morris, taken from his lecture deli-
                 Book of Nature", Conference on Design  vered at the second international conferen-
                 and Origins, Biola University, November  ce, named "The Collapse of the Theory of
                 14-17, 1996                        Evolution: The Fact of Creation", organized
              136.  re-   by the Science Research Foundation on
                 al/ri9403/evidence.html            July 5, 1998 in Istanbul, Turkey.
              137. John Clover Monsma, The Evidence of  150. John Marks Templeton, Evidence of
                 God in an Expanding Universe, S. 181  Purpose - Scientists Discover the Creator,
              138. Sharon Begley with Marian Westley,  Continuum, New York 1994, S. 103
                 "Science Finds God", Newsweek, Juli, 20,  151. John Clover Monsma, The Evidence of
                 1998, S. 46                        God in an Expanding Universe, S. 165
              139. John Clover Monsma, The Evidence of  152. Newsweek, July, 20, 1998, S. 49
                 God in an Expanding Universe, S. 219  153. John Clover Monsma, The Evidence of
              140. John Clover Monsma, The Evidence of  God in an Expanding Universe, S. 155
                 God in an Expanding Universe, S. 212  154. Newsweek, July, 20, 1998, S. 49
              141. John Clover Monsma, The Evidence of  155. Newsweek, July, 20, 1998, S. 48-49
                 God in an Expanding Universe, S. 196  156. Hugh Ross, Creator and the Cosmos, S.
              142.Acts of the Second International  112
                 Catechetical Congress, Rome, 20-25,  157. Hugh Ross, Design and the Anthropic
                 September 1971, Rome Studium, 1972 S.  Principle, Reasons to Believe, CA1988
                 449-450                         158. Duane Gish, taken from his lecture deli-
              143. John Clover Monsma, The Evidence of  vered at the first international conference,
                 God in an Expanding Universe, S. 211  named "The Collapse of the Theory of
              144. Michael Girouard, taken from his lecture  Evolution: The Fact of Creation", organized
                 titled "Is it Possible for Life to Emerge by  by the Science Research Foundation on
                 Coincidences?", delivered at the second in-  April 4, 1998 in Istanbul, Turkey.

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